
Image of Kunzea amathicola de Lange & Toelken

Image of Kunzea amathicola de Lange & Toelken


Figure 36.Distinguishing features of Kunzea amathicola continued (see Fig. 35). I Juvenile foliage (AK 289328) J Adult foliage (AK 289679) K Vegetative bud and branchlet indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) L Adaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) M Abaxial leaf surface (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) N Adaxial leaf apex (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) O Leaf margin indumentum (no voucher, North Island, South Kaipara Peninsula, Kaipara Harbour) P Leaf variation: (P1) North Island, Hokianga (AK 282676), (P2) North Island, Kaipara (AK 289669), (P3) North Island, Te Toto Gorge (AK 284417), (P4) North Island, Hokio (AK 286079), (P5) North Island, Hokio—last two leaves from a juvenile reversion shoot (AK 289679), (P6) South Island, Farewell Spit (AK 289243), (P7) South Island, Wharariki (AK 286081). Scale bars: (I, J, P) 10 mm; (K, N, L, M) 1 mm; (O) 0.5 mm.

Source Information

Peter J. de Lange
bibliographic citation
de Lange P (2014) A revision of the New Zealand Kunzea ericoides (Myrtaceae) complex PhytoKeys (40): 1–185
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