creaturecast - picky females
Description: brings you stories about the unexpected world of animals. In this episode, Rebecca Helm talks about the battle of the sexes going on beneath the surface.
This work is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. Music by Bird Names.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Eukaryota (eukaryotes)
- Opisthokonta (opisthokonts)
- Metazoa (animals)
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia (deuterostomes)
- Chordata (Chordates)
- Vertebrata (vertebrates)
- Gnathostomata (jawed fish)
- Tetrapoda (terrestrial vertebrates)
- Reptiliomorpha
- Amniota
- Reptilia (Reptiles)
- Eureptilia
- Diapsida (diapsid)
- Neodiapsida
- Archosauromorpha (archosauromorph)
- Archosauriformes
- Archosauria
- Avemetatarsalia
- Ornithodira
- Aves (birds)
- Pygostylia
- Ornithothoraces
- Ornithuromorpha
- Ornithurae
- Carinatae
- Dinosauria (dinosaurs and birds)
- Saurischia
- Theropoda (theropods)
- Tetanurae (tetanuran theropod)
- Coelurosauria (coelurosaur)
- Maniraptoriformes
- Maniraptora (maniraptoran)
- Paraves
- Life
- Cellular
- Osteichthyes
- Sarcopterygii (Lobe-finned fishes)
- Neornithes
- Neognathae
- Neoaves
- landbirds
- Passeriformes (perching birds)
- Oscines
- Ptilonorhynchidae (bowerbirds)
This video is not featured in any collections.
Source Information
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Casey Dunn
- provider
- Creaturecast
- original
- original media file
- visit source
- partner site
- CreatureCast
- ID