
Image of Aliciidae Duerden 1895

Image of Aliciidae Duerden 1895


Figure 7.Lebrunia coralligens. A Live specimen in natural habitat B Oral view C Pedal disc view D Cross section through distal column showing a siphonoglyph E Detail of retractor muscles F Detail of parietobasilar muscles G Detail of a mesentery showing oocytes and spermatic cysts H Longitudinal section through base showing basilar muscles I Cross section through tentacle J–V Cnidae.– actinopharynx: J small microbasic p-amastigopore K microbasic p-amastigophore; column: L small basitrich M small microbasic p-amastigophore; filament: N small microbasic p-amastigophore O microbasic p-amastigophore; tentacle: P basitrich Q microbasic p-amastigophore R small microbasic p-amastigophore S spirocyst; pseudotentacle: T basitrich U microbasic p-amastigophore V macrobasic p-amastigophore. Abbreviations.– bm: basilar muscle, d: directives, e: epidermis, lm: longitudinal muscle, o: oocyst, od: oral disc, pd: pedal disc, pm: parietobasilar muscle, ps: pseudotentacle, rm: retractor muscle, s: siphonoglyph, sc: spermatic cyst; t: tentacle, z: zooxanthellae. Scale bars: A–C: 10 mm; D–H: 200 μm; I: 100 μm; J–U: 25 μm; V: 20 μm.

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Source Information

Ricardo González-Muñoz, Nuno Simões, José Luis Tello-Musi, Estefanía Rodríguez
bibliographic citation
González-Muñoz R, Simões N, Tello-Musi J, Rodríguez E (2013) Sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) from coral reefs in the southern Gulf of Mexico ZooKeys 341: 77–106
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