
Image of Liturgusa tessae Svenson & G. J. 2014

Image of Liturgusa tessae Svenson & G. J. 2014


Figure 51.Liturgusa, male genital complex from the ventral perspective (scale bar = 1 mm, but all secondary illustrations 60% of scale (e.g. B.2 and B.3). Liturgusa cayennensis Saussure, 1869: A.1 French Guiana (ANSP 055) A.2 French Guiana (MNHN 074). Liturgusa lichenalis Gerstaecker, 1889: B.1 Peru (CAS 005) B.2 Peru (CLEV GSMC000259) B.3 Peru (CAS 010) B.4 Peru (MEKRB 010). Liturgusa guyanensis La Greca, 1939: C.1 Guyana (CAS 017). Liturgusa bororum sp. n.: D.1 Holotype from Peru (MNHN 038). Liturgusa cura sp. n.: E.1 Holotype from Venezuela (ANSP 082). Liturgusa fossetti sp. n.: F.1 Paratype from Panama (CAS 020). Liturgusa kirtlandi sp. n.: G.1 Paratype from Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000276) G.2 Paratype from Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000279) G.3 Paratype from Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000283) G.4 Paratype from Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000282). Liturgusa manausensis sp. n.: H.1 Holotype from Brazil (USNM 001). Liturgusa maya Saussure & Zehntner, 1894: I.1 Colombia (AMNH 011) I.2 Peru (ANSP 038) I.3 Venezuela (AMNH 023) I.4 Guatemala (USNM 014). Liturgusa tessae sp. n.: J.1 Paratype from Bolivia (CLEV GSMC000268) J.2 Paratype from Brazil (ZMHB 004) J.3 Paratype from Brazil (USNM 007) J.4 Paratype from Brazil (MNHN 086) J.5 Paratype from Brazil (ANSP 110); J.6 Paratype from Brazil (ANSP 109).

Source Information

Gavin J. Svenson
bibliographic citation
Svenson G (2014) Revision of the Neotropical bark mantis genus Liturgusa Saussure, 1869 (Insecta, Mantodea, Liturgusini) ZooKeys 390: 1–214
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