
Image of Paratropis

Image of Paratropis


Figures 30–37.Paratropis tuxtlensis sp. n. Male. 30 Left chelicerae with extended fang, ventral view 31 Left chelicerae, teeth on promargin (lower line) and retromargin (upper line) 32 Detail of the chelicerae teeth 33 Left chelicerae, apical part of the fang 34 Detail of the venom gland duct opening on left fang of the chelicerae 35 Left chelicerae, retrolateral view 36 Setae on retrolateral part of left chelicerae 37 Detail of the clubbed setae on retrolateral region of chelicerae (left arrows indicate the glandular pores on the cuticle surface with secretion coming out at the moment of the microphotograph, right arrow indicates pore without secretion). Scales: 20 µm (Figure 34), 50 µm (Figure 37), 100 µm (Figures 32, 33), 400 µm (Figure 36), 500 µm (Figure 31), 1 mm (Figures 30, 35).

Source Information

Alejandro Valdez-Mondragón, Jorge I. Mendoza, Oscar F. Francke
bibliographic citation
Valdez-Mondragón A, Mendoza J, Francke O (2014) First record of the mygalomorph spider family Paratropididae (Arachnida, Araneae) in North America with the description of a new species of Paratropis Simon from Mexico, and with new ultramorphological data for the family ZooKeys 416: 1–21
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