
Image of Acupalpa

Image of Acupalpa


Figure 3.Acupalpa spp.: A Acupalpa notomelas sp. n., epandrium dorsal B gonocoxites, ventral C Acupalpa imitans (White), comb. n., gonocoxite, lateral D same, aedeagus, lateral E Acupalpa rostrata Kröber aedeagus, lateral F Acupalpa imitans, gonocoxites, epandrium removed and aedeagus in situ, dorsal G Acupalpa rostrata, female spermathecal sac complex, dorsal H Acupalpa melanophaeos sp. n., female head, lateral I Acupalpa rostrata, male head, anterolateral. Abbreviations: ag accessory gland c cercus d distiphallus da dorsal apodeme of parameral sheath ea ejaculatory apodeme f furca ga gonocoxal apodeme gp (articulated) gonocoxal process gs gonostylus gx gonocoxite h hypandriumgp gonocoxal process (articulated) lea lateral ejaculatory apodeme s spermatheca ss spermathecal sac ssd spermathecal sac duct va ventral apodeme of parameral sheath v velutum patch vl ventral lobe. Scale lines = 0.2 mm.

Source Information

Winterton Shaun L.
bibliographic citation
Shaun L. W (2011) Revision of the stiletto fly genera Acupalpa Kröber and Pipinnipons Winterton (Diptera, Therevidae, Agapophytinae) using cybertaxonomic methods, with a key to Australasian genera ZooKeys 95: 29–79
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