

Image of rose


Rosa canina s.str. L.: EN: Dog Rose , DE: Hunds-RoseSlo.: navadni ipekDat.: May 4. 2018 Lat.: 45,079675 Long.: 14,442983Code: Bot_1132/2018_DSC2647Habitat: Edge of overgrown stony pasture next to a village dirt road; almost flat terrain; calcareous, skeletal ground; full sun, dry place; elevation 115 m (380 feet); average precipitations about 1.000 mm/year, average temperature 13-15 deg C, Sub-Mediterranean phytogeographical region. Substratum: soil.Place: West part of the island Krk, southwest part of the village Brzac, Kvarner bay, Adriatic Sea, Croatia EC.Comment: Wild, richly flowering bushes of genus Rosa are among the most beautiful plants in my country. Many taxa comprise it; in addition, hybrids are very frequent. Taxa are divided into sub-genera, sections and subsections, species, 'small' species, subspecies, varieties and forms. Unfortunately, how to divide and name taxa is not yet settled. Different approaches exist. Austrian (Ref.: 1) as well as Slovenian key (Ref.: 2) explicitly state that the genus is not yet sufficiently researched. Consequently, determination of these beauties is difficult if not too difficult (in many cases) for amateur botanist.This observation comes very close to Rosa canina s.str. (according to Ref. 1). Glabrous leaflets, flower stalks, and hips, absence of stalked glands except on stipules (a pair of small leaf-like appendages at the base of leaf stalks), stems with broadly attached curved prickles, pinnate leaves with 5 to 7 leaflets, pink colored petals, recurved sepals and the length of flower (fruit) stalks all speak in favor of this determination. In addition, Ref.: 4 states only four species of Rosa for island Krk. Apart of Rosa canina only Rosa gallica, Rosa rubiginosa and Rosa sempervirens have been found so far. The last three are distinctly different from this find.Ref.:(1) M.A. Fischer, W. Adler, K. Oswald, Exkursionsflora fr sterreich, Liechtenstein und Sdtirol, LO Landesmuseen, Linz, Austria (2005), p 526.(2) A. Martini et all., Mala Flora Slovenije (Flora of Slovenia - Key) (in Slovenian), Tehnina Zaloba Slovenije (2007), p 275.(3) J. Bavcon, B. Ravnjak. B. Vre, Wild Roses (Rosa L.) in Slovenia, University Botanic Gardens (2017), p 34.(4) W.K. Rottensteiner, Exkursionsflora fr Istrien, Verlag des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins Krten (2014), p 827.

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Amadej Trnkoczy
Amadej Trnkoczy
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