
Strophosoma cf. capitatum (Curculionidae) - Baum-Trapezrssler

Image of Strophosoma


L: 3-5 mmPhylum: Arthropoda (Arthropods)Subphylum: Hexapoda BLAINVILLE, 1816Class: Insecta (insects, Insekten)Subclass: Pterygota (primr flgellose Insekten)Infraclass: Neoptera MARTYNOV, 1923Order: Coleoptera LINNAEUS, 1758 (beetles, Kfer)Suborder:Polyphaga EMERY, 1886Infraorder: Cucujiformia LATREILLE, 1802Superfamily: Curculionoidea LATREILLE, 1802 (weevils)Family Curculionidae LATREILLE, 1802 (weevils, Rsselkfer)Subfamily: Entiminae SCHNHERR, 1823 (broad-nosed weevils)Tribus: Brachyderini SCHNHERR, 1826Genus: Strophosoma BILLBERG, 1820 (Trapezrssler, Kranzrssler)[det. "rockwolf", 2015, based on this photo]Subgenus: Strophosoma BILLBERG, 1820Strophosoma cf. capitatum DE GEER, 1775 (Baum-Trapezrssler)[det. Boris Bche, 2015, based on this photo]KEY: www.coleo-net.de/coleo/texte/strophosoma.htmThis arboricole weevil feeds like S. melanogrammum on pine needles and is considered as a pest on fir (Abies sp.) cultivars. In contrast to S. melanogrammum males and females are known for S. capitatum. The adults have two periods of activity: one during spring and one during autumn. They emerge from hibernation sites in the soil in late April and seek foliage for maturation feeding prior to oviposition. The feeding lasts approximately 3 weeks and takes place in the canopy on the leader and upper. The eggs, which are laid in the canopy, hatch after about 3 weeks, and the larvae drop to the ground to complete their development in the soil. The larvae complete four larval stages in the soil before pupation in August. larvae are found in the soil during winter in Denmark, and it was concluded that the development time from egg to adult normally takes 15 to17 months. Both species are flightless (with fused elytra) and as a consequence adults only disperse by walking.more info: www.researchgate.net/profile/Jorgen_Eilenberg/publication...E-Germany, Brandenburg: vic. Lbben (Spreewald), 22.10.2013IMG_3646

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