
Macaranga heynei I.M.Johnson

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Bidor, Perak, Malaysia.Macaranga heynei I.M.Johnst. Euphorbiaceae. CN: [Malay - Mahang biru], Blue mahang. Native to Peninsular Thailand, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra. Treelets or trees to 10 m high; twigs rounded, drying blackish, weakly rusty furfuraceous, young twigs ans inflorescences densely rusty pubescent. Stipules elliptic including long narrow tip, c. 10 by 1.5 mm, rusty pubescent, erect, soon caducous. Leaves: petiole 58 cm long, slender, c. 1 mm in diameter, rounded, finely ridged, weakly rusty furfuraceous or glabrous; blades (broadly lanceolate), 1018 by 4.5-8 cm, thickly papery, base usually truncate, occasionally broadly cuneate, rarely broadly rounded, slightly cordate or up to 1 mm peltate, with several nectaries at petiole insertion, apex abruptly acuminate to 2 cm, below slightly glaucous and sometimes rusty furfuraceous on main nerves. Staminate inflorescences behind leaves, crowded sparsely branched racemes or panicles, to 14 by 6 cm, ultimate branches slender, flower clusters smaller than the subtending bracteoles; bracteoles erect, persistent, ovate, to 10 by 6 mm, coarsely shallowly toothed, marginal teeth gland-tipped, apex caudate to 2 mm, with a small apical gland, fairly thick, densely furfuraceous. Staminate flowers in clusters of c. 20, sessile; stamens 2, 4-locular. Pistillate inflorescences as staminate ones, but always racemes and mostly shorter, c. 6 cm long. Fruits in groups of 3 or 4, tiny bilocular, c. 3 by 4 mm, granular glandular, without spines.Synonym(s):Macaranga javanica var. montana Mll. Arg.Macaranga montana (Mll. Arg.) Pax & K. Hoffm.Macaranga robiginosa Ridl.Rottlera montana B. Heyne Ex Baill.Ref and suggested reading:www.nationaalherbarium.nl/thaieuph/ThMspecies/ThMacaranga...zipcodezoo.com/Plants/M/Macaranga_heynei/www.besgroup.org/2009/12/05/sunbirds-and-macaranga-heynei/

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Ahmad Fuad Morad
Ahmad Fuad Morad
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