
Andrena forbesii, Female, Back, Maryland 2013-05-31-17.55 (41067175364)

Image of Andrena forbesii Robertson 1891


Description: There are a group of bees in the genus Andrena that form a fairly distinct subgenus called Tracandrena. They are notorious for being difficult to separate out and, in particular, the males all look pretty much the same. I have created a little Excel spreadsheet that help separate out the females, if anyone is interested. This specimen of Andrena forbesii Is one of those species, it is fairly common in the spring, where he collects pollen from a wide variety of woody plants. This Picture Was Taken by Wayne Boo. Photography Information: Canon Mark II 5D, Zerene Stacker, Stackshot Sled, 65mm Canon MP-E 1-5X macro lens, Twin Macro Flash in Styrofoam Cooler, F5.0, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 200. Date: 27 April 2018, 12:52. Source: Andrena forbesii, Female, Back, Maryland_2013-05-31-17.55. Author: USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab from Beltsville, Maryland, USA.

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