

Image of Athyma fortuna


Description: English: Leech, J. H., 1889. On a collection of butterflies from Kiukiang. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1889: 99-148 Plate (VIII) text 1 (male), 1a (female) Athyma fortuna Leech, 1889 2 (male), 2a (female) Mandarinia regalis (Leech, 1889) 3 Lethe naias Leech, 1889 synonym for Lethe satyrina Butler, 18713 4 Lethe butleri Leech 1889 5,5a Melanargia meridionalis var. meridionalis = Melanargia meridionalis C. & R. Felder, 1862. Date: 1899. Source: https://archive.org/stream/transactionsofen1889roya#page/148/mode/1up/search/VIII. Author: Leech.

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