
My Public Lands Roadtrip- Wildlife in Wyoming (19917553741)

Image of badger


Description: Wyoming has an unbelievable variety of world class wildlife. From grizzly bears to marmots, golden eagles to cutthroat trout, Wyoming offers something for everyone. BLM lands are vital to big game, upland game, waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds, raptors and hundreds of species of non-game mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.As you drive through Wyoming, you can’t help but see pronghorn (commonly called antelope after its African cousin). The pronghorn is the fastest land animal in North America, running up to 55 mph. There are almost as many pronghorn in Wyoming as people! Besides pronghorn, Wyoming also is home to many other game animals including bighorn sheep, mountain goat, elk, mule deer, white tail deer and moose. Mammals of all sizes are abundant: marmots, chipmunks, skunks, raccoons, badgers, rabbits, beaver, prairie dogs, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions and bears. If you look overhead, try to spot a golden eagle, a Swainson’s hawk or peregrine falcon. Listen closely and you’ll hear the distinctive song of Wyoming’s state bird the western meadowlark. Wyoming is also home to about 40 percent of the Greater Sage-Grouse in the United States. Anglers travel from all over to take advantage of Wyoming’s world class trout fisheries. Wyoming streams and lakes provide habitat for cutthroat, rainbow, brown, brook, lake, and golden trout. Other popular game fish include walleye, sauger, pike, grayling, ling, bass, bluegill, sunfish, catfish, and carp. Wyoming also manages habitat for several endangered or threatened species like the black footed ferret, the Canada lynx, grizzly bears, trumpeter swans, and the Wyoming toad. BLM Wyoming manages wildlife habitat in cooperation with other state and federal agencies. When authorizing land use activities, the needs of wildlife, fish and plants must be taken into consideration. Wyoming’s wildlife is truly worth the watching!. Date: 17 June 2015, 12:05. Source: My Public Lands Roadtrip: Wildlife in Wyoming. Author: Bureau of Land Management.

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Bureau of Land Management
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