
(1334a) Scoparia basistrigalis (5897994863)

Image of Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs 1866


Description: Well it was BioBlitz day and so we set about trying our luck for the Moths. It did look set to be a perfect evening with warm temperatures and increasing cloud cover, then that just vanished and the temperature plummeted. That said we got a fair return, and am still waiting for the list from the MV traps. My list is from using a 22w Actinic in a wash basket which only ran until about 12am, but still provided a few good species, some of which need to be confirmed yet. Easily my best moth was a single Dark Umber. Macro Moths 1x Beautiful Hook-tip 1x Black Arches 1x Brimstone Moth 1x Buff Arches 1x Buff Footman 1x Common Emerald 6x Common Footman 1x Common Wave 2x Dark Arches 1x Dark Umber 1x Double-striped Pug 2x Dun-bar 5x Dwarf Cream Wave 1x Engrailed 1x Ghost Moth 2x Heart & Club 2x Heart & Dart 1x Least Carpet 1x Light Emerald 1x Lunar Spotted Pinion 3x Mottled Beauty 1x Peach Blossom 1x Riband Wave 5x Shaded Broad-bar 1x Short-cloaked Moth 1x Single-dotted Wave 1x Small Dotted Buff 1x V-pug 1x Willow Beauty 2x Yellow-tail Micro Moths 1x Scoparia basistrigalis [NEW!] 1x Endotricha flammealis 2x Scoparia ambigualis 1x Dipleurina lacustrata 1x Coleophora sp. 3x Archips crataegana 1x Epagoge grotiana 1x Aleimma loeflingiana 1x Carcina quercana 7x Hedya pruniana 1x Ancylis achatana 1x Epinotia demarniana 1x Epiblema uddmanniana 1x Eucosma cana 5x Chrysoteuchia culmella 2x Udea olivalis 1x Udea prunalis 1x Pleuroptya ruralis 1x Conobathra repandana 1x Pterophorus pentadactyla. Date: 3 July 2011, 15:39. Source: [1334a] Scoparia basistrigalis. Author: Ben Sale from UK.

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Ben Sale
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