Rock sole tomelleri

Description: English: Rock sole, Lepidopsetta bilineata, image by Joseph R. Tomelleri. Date: 20 November 2015, 12:13:08. Source: NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 18-Fishes of the Salish Sea: a compilation and distributional analysis. National Marine Fisheries Service (September 2015). Retrieved on November 15, 2015. doi:10.7755/PP.18. Author: Joseph R. Tomelleri.
Included On The Following Pages:
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (eukaryotes)
- Opisthokonta (opisthokonts)
- Metazoa (animals)
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia (deuterostomes)
- Chordata (Chordates)
- Vertebrata (vertebrates)
- Gnathostomata (jawed fish)
- Osteichthyes
- Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
- Neopterygii
- Teleostei
- Euteleostei
- Neoteleostei
- Acanthopterygii
- Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes)
- Pleuronectoidei
- Pleuronectidae (righteye flounders)
- Lepidopsetta
- Lepidopsetta bilineata (rock sole)
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