
Downy and Powdery mildew on grape leaf

Image of wine grape


Description: العربية: البياض الزغبي. إصابة أوراق العنب بالبياض الدقيقي (يمين) و البياض الزغبي (يسار). Deutsch: Falscher und echter Mehltau der Weinrebe, links der falsche Mehltau. English: Examples of downy and powdery mildew on a grape leaf. Example of powdery mildew (right) along with Downy mildew on a grape leaf. Both downy and powdery mildew can present an occasional viticultural threat to South African vineyards. Español: Hoja de vid con mildiu (mitad izquierda) comparándolo con el oidio (mitad derecha). Português: Folha doente mostrando a diferença entre o míldio (downy mildew) e o oídio (powdery mildew).English: Example of both Downy and Powdery mildew on a grape leaf. Source: USDA ARS. Author: The original uploader was Agne27 at English Wikipedia. (Original text: David B. Langston, University of Georgia, United States).

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