Acrocephalus melanopogon 2
Description: English: Acrocephalus melanopogon - Moustached Warbler - Forapaglie castagnolo DATE/TIME: 26/march/2007 (9 a.m.) - IDENTIFICATION AND BEHAVIOUR: the bird is singing perched in the thick reedbed of Scarlino marsh (phragmites). - POSITION: Scarlino marsh, LAT.N 42°54'/LONG.E 10° 47'- ALTITUDE: 0 m. - VOCALIZATION TYPE: full song spontaneously uttered. - SEX/AGE: adult male - COMMENT: The recording is not top quality, because the bird was far from the microphone. Note the whistling syllables at the beginning of the phrase. - MIC: (A). Date: 26 March 2007. Source: Author: Marco Dragonetti. Permission(Reusing this file): I'm happy to contribute to wikipedia project! I ask you only to give me credits for the recordings you will use and to insert somewhere a link to my website.
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- Acrocephalus melanopogon (Moustached Warbler)
This sound is not featured in any collections.
Source Information
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Marco Dragonetti
- creator
- Marco Dragonetti
- source
- original
- original media file
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- Wikimedia Commons
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