
Eltringham1912TransEntSocLondPlate6, 4 Acraea peneleos peneleos

Image of Acraea peneleos Ward 1871


Description: English: Eltringham, H, 1912, A Monograph of the African species of the Genus Acraea, Fab., with a supplement on those of the Oriental Region.Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London Volume 60, Issue 1, pages 1-369 Plate 6 text Larvae 4 Acraea peneleos peneleos Ward, 1871 Drawn from specimen taken and preserved by Mr. W.A. Lamborn at Oni near Lagos, and now in the Hope Department at Oxford. Some of the larvae were probably not fully grown. Date: 6 October 2013, 20:35:01. Source: https://archive.org/stream/transactionsofen1912roya#page/n458/mode/1up. Author: Eltringham. Other versions: .

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