
Whitestem stickleaf, Mentzelia albicaulis (43405992874)

Image of whitestem blazingstar


Description: whitestem stickleaf, Mentzelia albicaulis, California, White Mountains, Coldwater Canyon, Chalfant Valley - Owens Valley drainage, elevation 1408 m (4620 ft). Photo-bombed by one flower of shining stickleaf (Mentzelia nitens, earlier post) to show the contrast in flower size. Also visible in this image are yellowthroats (Phacelia fremontii). Also know as little blazing star, this is one of our most abundant and widespread desert annual species. A few plants can usually be found flowering even in very dry years. Its geographic range also extends well beyond the North American deserts to include most of the interior western U.S. below 2300 meters (7500 feet) elevation, plus adjacent southwestern Canada and northwestern Mexico. Seeds of this species were harvested by indigenous people, and were considered a dietary staple by some bands of Paiute. The common name stickleaf comes from the tiny barbed hairs on the foliage and other parts of most Mentzelia species, which cause them to adhere to clothing and other passing epidermal coverings, and no doubt aid in dispersal of the plants and their seeds. Date: 21 April 2017, 15:33. Source: whitestem stickleaf, Mentzelia albicaulis. Author: Jim Morefield from Nevada, USA. Camera location37° 28′ 17.33″ N, 118° 19′ 50.84″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 37.471480; -118.330789.

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Jim Morefield|sourceurl=https://flickr.com/photos/127605180@N04/43405992874%7Carchive=https://web.archive.org/web/20190118224259/https://www.flickr.com/photos/127605180@N04/43405992874/%7Creviewdate=2019-12-29 03:24:54|reviewlicense=cc-by-sa-2.0|reviewer=FlickreviewR 2
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