
Gerbera jamesonii (332505700)

Image of Barberton daisy


Description: Common name: Gerbera Daisy, Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Barberton Daisy Botanical name: Gerbera jamesonii - [ (GER-ber-uh) named after Dr. Traugott Gerber, German naturalist; (jay-mess-OWN-ee-eye) named after Robert Jameson, 19th century amateur botanist who discovered the species ] Family: Asteraceae or alternatively Compositeae - [ (ass-ter-AY-see-ay) the aster (daisy) family; formerly Compositae ] Origin: South Africa The Gerbera jamesonii is easily recognized by the large, elegant capitula, the extremely large rays, and the large, pinnated, very longed stalked leaves. The species is the ancestor of all cultivated forms of Gerbera, or they originate from the cross Gerbera jamesonii / Gerbera veridifolia, originally made by Irwin Lynch in Great Britain about 1890. The cross introduced a great variation-pattern, and already Dümmer (1914) could state a long list of cultivated hybrids. The rich colour-spectrum of the rays also in nature is indeed remarkable. References: Flowers of IndiaDave's GardenThe Gerbera Association Blogged at: Slice of the Day by Vasant M. Salian. Date: 25 December 2006, 11:12. Source: Gerbera jamesonii. Author: Dinesh Valke from Thane, India. Camera location19° 15′ 23.83″ N, 72° 58′ 32.74″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 19.256620; 72.975761.

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Dinesh Valke
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