
Csehbanya Formation representative fauna

Image of Eusuchia


Description: English: Representative taxa from the Santonian Iharkút fauna from the Csehbánya Formation, Bakony Mountains, western Hungary. A Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus (Squamata, Mosasauroidea), dorsal vertebra (MTM uncatalogued) in dorsal view (photo by Réka Kalmár) B Foxemys trabanti (Pleurodira, Bothremydidae), skull (MTM V 2010.215.1.) in dorsal view (photo by Márton Rabi). C Bicuspidon aff. hatzegiensis (Squamata, Borioteiioidea), left dentary (MTM 2006.112.1.) in medial view (photo by László Makádi) D Basal tetanuran (Theropoda, Tetanurae), tooth (MTM V.01.54) in ?lingual view E Indeterminate abelisaurid (Theropoda, Abelisauridae), pedal ungual phalanx (MTM V 2008.43.1.) in lateral view F Pneumatoraptor fodori (Theropoda, Paraves), left scapulocoracoid (holotype, MTM V 2008.38.1.) in lateral view G Mochlodon vorosi (Ornithopoda, Rhabdodontidae), left dentary (holotype, MTM V 2010.105.1) in lateral view H Bakonydraco galaczi (Pterosauria, Azhdarchidae), mandible (holotype, MTM 2007.110.1) in dorsal view I Iharkutosuchus makadii (Eusuchia, Hylaeochampsidae), skull (holotype, MTM 2006.52.1) in dorsal view J Hungarosaurus tormai (Ankylosauria, Nodosauridae), right dentary (MTM 2007.25.2) in lateral view K Bauxitornis mindszentyae (Aves, Enantiornithes), left tarsometatarsus (holotype, MTM V 2009.38.1) in anterior view L Ajkaceratops kozmai (Ceratopsia), fused rostral and premaxillae (holotype, MTM V 2009.192.1) in lateral view. Scale bars: 2 cm in A, V, G, H, I, J; 1 cm in D, E, F, K, L; 1 mm in C. Date: 8 January 2015. Source: Zoltan Csiki-Sava, Eric Buffetaut, Attila Ősi, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Stephen L. Brusatte (2015) "Island life in the Cretaceous - faunal composition, biogeography, evolution, and extinction of land-living vertebrates on the Late Cretaceous European archipelago" Zookeys" 469: 1-161 doi: 10.3897/zookeys.469.8439. Author: Zoltan Csiki-Sava, Eric Buffetaut, Attila Ősi, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Stephen L. Brusatte.

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Zoltan Csiki-Sava, Eric Buffetaut, Attila Ősi, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, Stephen L. Brusatte
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