[0698] Agonopterix kaekeritziana

We had easier access this time to Bovingdon via a gate the otherside of the site and decided tosetup 4 traps as usual.The weather was warm and mild, and only hampered by the fact that it was a clear night with quitea bright moon (which set at 2.00am) Interestingly after the moon had set, moths were evidentlyflying in far greater numbers. As we were packing up it was a little chilly at the lower points ofthe site.It was still business as usual with lots and lots of moths, particularly micros.We were very pleased to get 3 Garden Tigers, our target species for the night. We also managed 15+ Coronets and 2 Purple Clays.Good micros were the Depressid, Agonopterix kaekeritziana, 10+ Pyrausta purpuralis and a singleexample of the scarce Thiotricha subocellea.18/07/13 - Bovingdon Brick Pits - Hemel Hempstead - 2x 125w MV Robinson Trap, 1x 160w MBT Trap & 1x 80w Actinic Trap run from 9.45pm until 2.30amMacro Moths2x Angle Shades5x Beautiful Hook-tip1x Blue-bordered Carpet8x Bordered Sallow2x Bright-line Brown-eye2x Brimstone Moth1x Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing5x Brown-line Bright-eye10x Buff Arches4x Buff Footman2x Burnished Brass1x Cinnabar8x Clay1x Clay Triple-lines1x Clouded Border1x Clouded Brindle20x Clouded Silver2x Common Carpet3x Common Emerald5x Common Footman2x Common Marbled Carpet3x Common Rustic1x Common Wainscot4x Common White Wave15x Coronet10x Dark Arches2x Dingy Footman1x Dingy Shears6x Dot Moth10x Double Square-spot2x Drinker1x Dun-bar1x Dusky Brocade2x Dwarf Cream Wave2x Early Thorn5X Elephant Hawk-moth1x Engrailed2x Fan-foot6x Flame5x Flame Shoulder1x Garden Carpet3x Garden Tiger5x Ghost Moth4x Green Pug1x Grey Dagger2x Heart & Club10x Heart & Dart1x Iron Prominent6x July Highflyer3x Large Twin-spot Carpet3x Large Yellow Underwing1x Least Yellow Underwing1x Leopard Moth2x Light Arches5x Light Emerald1x Lime-speck Pug1x Lobster Moth5x Marbled Minor3x Marbled White Spot3x Miller5x Mottled Beauty2x Mottled Rustic2x Oak Nycteoline2x Peach Blossom8x Peppered Moth1x Phoenix2x Plain Golden-Y2x Poplar Grey1x Poplar Hawk-moth1x Privet Hawk-moth2x Purple Clay1x Red Twin-spot Carpet10x Riband Wave1x Ruby Tiger8x Rustic1x Scalloped Oak3x Scarce Footman1x Setaceous Hebrew Character3x Shaded Broad-bar5x Shaded Pug1x Short-cloaked Moth5x Shoulder-striped Wainscot1x Silver-Y1x Single-dotted Wave1x Slender Brindle2x Slender Pug1x Small Angle Shades2x Small Elephant Hawk-moth1x Small Emerald1x Small Fan-foot2x Small Fan-footed Wave1x Small Rivulet2x Small Yellow Wave5x Snout1x Spectacle5x Straw Dot10x Swallow-tailed Moth2x Sycamore2x Tawny Marbled Minor1x Treble Brown Spot2x Uncertain3x V-Pug2x Willow Beauty2x Yellow ShellMicro MothsAgonopterix kaekeritziana [NEW!]Thiotricha subocellea [NEW!]Aleimma loeflingianaArchips podanaCelypha lacunanaCnephasia spCochylis hybridellaCrambus pascuellaCrambus lathoniellusAgriphila straminellaPandemis cerasanaPandemis heparanaAcleris forsskaleanaMarasmarcha lunaedactylaEuzophera pinguisScoparia ambigualisScoparia pyralellaEpiblema UddmannianaEucosma canaAcleris schallerianaPyrausta purpuralisHedya prunianaHedya nubiferanaCatoptria falsellaPhlyctaenia coronataPhycitodes binaevellaDitula angustioranaChrysoteuchia culmellaUdea olivalisPlutella xylostellaEucosma hohenwartianaDipleurina lacustrataEndotricha flammealisAethes cnicanaTeleoides vulgellaPhycita roborellaLozotaeniodes formosanusBlastodacna hellerellaPleuroptya ruralisLathronympha striganaArchips xylosteanaMompha epilobiellaYponomeuta eveonymellaEmmelina monodactylaMetzneria metzneriellaEudonia pallidaPterophorus pentadactylaEpiblema rosaecolanaCrambus perlella
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- Gelechioidea (Twirler Moths and kin)
- Depressariidae (flat moths)
- Agonopterix
- Agonopterix kaekeritziana
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- Ben Sale
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- Ben Sale
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