
Globemallow on Stansbury Island, Oct. 1982

Image of Munro's globemallow


Tentative ID is Sphaeralcea munroana var. subrhomboidea. The basis for this is the shallowly but distinctly 3-lobed leaves, although not as clear whether these are reaching halfway to the base; if not then this could be S. munroana var. munroana, but based on other pictures and illustrations of S. munroana var. munroana these leaves do appear to be more evidently 3-lobed. The coarsely/irregular margins would also tend to indicate that this belongs with S. munroana.Distribution for "var. subrhomboidea" includes Oquirrh Mtns just to the south of this location, and the foothills of the Wasatch Mtns. in northern Utah and into adjacent Idaho. Some taxonomists do not separately recognize this var. (or subspecies by some) but just lump it into S. munroana.Another possibility is Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia however it has much more deeply divided leaves as does S. coccinea which also grows in the area.October 16, 1982, Stansbury Island (which is actually a peninsula), Great Salt Lake, Tooele Co., Utah. Elevation approx. 4,250 ft. With cheatgrass.Reference:Holmgren, N.H., P.K. Holmgren and A. Cronquist. 2005. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 2B, Subclass Dilleniidae. Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 488 pp.

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Tony Frates
Tony Frates
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