
Image of Cimex

Image of Cimex


This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed on the dorsal surface of a bedbug, Cimex lectularius. Note the numbers of what appear to be hairs, but are actually known as setae, which are sensorial in nature, and are composed of chitin, as is the entire exoskeleton.

Clinical Features:Although bedbugs have been found naturally-infected with blood-borne pathogens, they are not effective vectors of disease. The primary medical importance is inflammation associated with their bites (due to allergic reactions to components in their saliva).

Laboratory Diagnosis:The inflammatory reaction to the bites is not diagnostic, and confirmation of a bedbug bite is best achieved by identification of adults or nymphs collected in sheltered areas near where the patient was bitten. Bedbugs possess stink glands and emit a distinctive odor; homes or motel/hotel rooms with heavy infestations may have this odor.
Created: 2009

Source Information

Janice Haney Carr
Public Health Image Library