
Image of Cimex

Image of Cimex


This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed on the head region of a bedbug, Cimex lectularius. In this particular view, what appeared to be hairs were not hairs at all, but sensory structures known as setae, which are composed of chitin, the same material as the rest of this organism’s exoskeleton.

Chitin is a molecule made up of bound units of acetylglucosamine, joined in such a way as to allow for increased points at which hydrogen bonding can occur. In this way chitin provides increased strength, and durability as an exoskeletal foundation.

Bedbugs are not vectors in nature of any known human disease. Although some disease organisms have been recovered from bedbugs under laboratory conditions, none have been shown to be transmitted by bedbugs outside of the laboratory.
Created: 2009

Source Information

Janice Haney Carr
Public Health Image Library