
Distribution of Neoconocephalus retusus in North America north of Mexico

<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.medium.untitled.map_image_of, page_name: Rattler Conehead">Map Image Of</span>


Version of manually-generated dot map displayed above, showing U.S. and Canadian records, was harvested from SINA on Aug-05-2018.

Dots show county records; shaded area shows likely general distribution.
County-level distribution map produced in 2003 from records in a database available on this site.

The group of records in northeast Ohio is documented in this 2014 blog by Lisa Rainsong. In a 6 Sep 2015 email, Norman Levey reported that he first noticed this species in Lincoln, Massachusetts, in 2008, and that its numbers seem to be increasing.

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