So cute...The Indian palm squirrel (Funambulus palmarum) also known as three-striped palm squirrel, is a species of rodent in the Sciuridae family that can be easily domesticated and kept as a pet. It is found naturally in India (south of the Vindhyas) and Sri Lanka. There is a cute myth about these little creatures. Apparently in the days of the Ramayama, when Rama was building a bridge to Sri Lanka to rescue Sita, this little fellow worked really hard to help, rolling his body in the wet sand, then depositing it in the water where the bridge was being built. He worked so tirelessly, that he caught Rama's attention. When the whole episode was over and Sita rescued, Rama picked him up to thank him for his efforts. At that time he stroked him along his back, and from then on it had 3 stipes down it's back from Rama's fingers!