Alahee or Walahee[syn. Canthium odoratum]RubiaceaeIndigenous to the Hawaiian Islands Oahu (Cultivated)Tannish-colored "ripe" pollen shown here. Compare with a dark brown or black dye was produced from the leaves of alahee by early Hawaiians.Spears, from 6 to 13 feet long, were fashioned for capturing hee (octopus) and were often made from alahee. The hardwood was used for farming tools such as , fishhooks, shark hooks (makau man) with bone points, short spears (o), and dip nets for fish and crabs. The wood was also made into adze blades for cutting softer wood such as wiliwili and kukui.Medicinally, the leaves and "the white skin of the stem" are prepared by cooking and the bitter medicine is drunk to cleanse the blood.NPH00006