
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Heteranthera peduncularis Benth. PI. Hartw. 25. 1840
Heteranthera reniformis var. multiflora Griseb. Abh. Ges. Wiss. Gott. 24: 323. 1879. Heteranthera reniformis var. peduncularis Solms, in DC. Monog. Phan. 4: 520. 1883.
Plant floating or creeping in mud, the stem branching; leaves erect, the petioles up to 2.3 dm. long, the blades broadly ovate-cordate, 3-6.5 cm. long, more or less acutish; lower spathe-bract leaf-like, the upper one 3-6 cm. long, tapering to a caudate tip, the two bracts not separated by an internode, the inflorescence appearing to arise from between them; inflorescence spicate, 3-16-flowered, up to 16 cm. long, glabrate; perianth-tube 5-8 mm. long; limb blue, 10-14 mm. across, the lobes linear-lanceolate, spreading, the three outer narrower than the inner; stamens unequal, the larger one 3.5-4.5 mm. long, the smaller two 2.5-3 mm. long; filaments all pilose, dilated at the base; anthers similar, linear; style about as long as the small stamens, the stigma capitate, somewhat papillose; capsule narrowly conic, 8-15 mm. long; seeds columnar, yellowbrown, 0.7-0.8 mm. long, 0.3 mm. wide, with 8-10 striae
Type locality: Aguas Calientes, Mexico.
Distribution: Western Missouri and eastern Kansas; Mexico.
bibliographic citation
Albert Charles Smith, Harold Norman Moldenke, Edward Johnston Alexander. 1937. XYRIDALES. North American flora. vol 19(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora