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Cherokee Sedge

Carex cherokeensis Schwein.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Carex cherokeensis Schw. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 1: 71. 1824
Carex recurva Muhl. Descr. Gram. 262. 1817. (Type from "Cherokee.") Not C. recurva Huds.
1778; nor C. recurva Schkuhr, 1801. Edritria recurva Raf. Good Book 26. 1840. (Based on Carex recurva Muhl.) Carex Christyana Boott, Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist. 5 : 114. 1845. (Type from Texas.) Carex baazasana Steud. Syn. Cyp. 236. 1855. (Type from Rio Brazos, Texas.) Carex brazasana Steud.; Bock. Flora 39: 321. 1856. (Correction in spelling only.)
Cespitose, the rootstocks stout, tough, elongate, ascending, blackish, covered with the persistent leaf-bases, the culms 3-6 dm. high, slender but erect, exceeding the leaves, strongly phyllopodic, obtusely triangular, smooth, except in the inflorescence, strongly darkened but not fibrillose at base; leaves (not bracts) usually 4-10 to a fertile culm, mostly clustered toward the base, not septate-nodulose, strongly striate, the blades thick, flat or channeled at base, light-green, long-attenuate, usually 1-2.5 dm. long, 3-7 mm. wide, roughened toward the apex, the sheaths glabrous, copper-brown-tinged ventrally, concave at mouth, the ligule very short; terminal spike staminate, usually with one or two additional smaller staminate spikes at base occasionally pistillate above, peduncled, linear, 2.5-6 cm. long, 2.5-4 mm. wide, many -flowered, the scales closely appressed, ovate-oblong, rounded on back, obtuse, whitish-hyaline with greenish or yellowish center; pistillate spikes usually 3-6, the lower often in pairs or even threes, erect or somewhat drooping, widely separate, the lower on long slender rough peduncles, the upper shorter-peduncled, oblong-cylindric, 1.5-4.5 cm. long, 6-9 mm. wide, containing 10-50 closely arranged appressed-ascending perigynia in several rows; bracts leaf-like, reduced upward, the sheaths long, the lower 2-8 cm. long, even the uppermost well-developed; scales lanceolate, acuminate, thin, greenish-white with green midvein, often somewhat brownishtinged, narrower and usually somewhat shorter than the perigynia; perigynia ovoid, 5-6 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide, obscurely flattened, globose-triangular in cross-section, somewhat inflated, greenish-straw-colored, membranaceous, several-nerved, rounded at base, somewhat abruptly contracted at apex into a slender beak one fourth the length of the body, scarious and bidentate at apex, the orifice obliquely cut; achenes obovoid, 2-2.5 mm. long, 1.5-1.75 mm. wide, brownish-black, granular, triangular, the sides concave below, the angles prominent and lightcolored, short-stipitate, prominently slenderly (often bent-) apiculate, jointed with the straight slender style; stigmas 3, slender, long, reddish-brown.
Type locality: "Cherokee," and as given by Schweinitz and Torrey: "Hab. the Cherokee country. Mrs. Gambold."
Distribution: In the low country, Georgia to Texas, and northward to southeastern Missouri and Oklahoma. (Specimens examined from Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, southeastern Missouri.)
bibliographic citation
Kenneth Kent Mackenzie. 1935. (POALES); CYPERACEAE; CARICEAE. North American flora. vol 18(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora