Description: white margined sandmat, Chamaesyce albomarginata, California, White Mountains, Antelope Springs, Deep Springs Valley, elevation 1698 m (5570 ft). This common perennial Spurge Family member will happily flower any time(s) during the year it is warm and wet enough - spring, summer, or fall. It is found in arid habitats below about 2300 meters (7600 feet) elevation across the southwest tier of the United States as far east as Texas and Oklahoma, north to central Nevada, and south into adjacent northern Mexico. Also visible in this image are yellowthroats (Phacelia fremontii) and spotted buckwheat (Eriogonum maculatum). Date: 1 May 2017, 16:34. Source:
white margined sandmat, Chamaesyce albomarginata. Author:
Jim Morefield from Nevada, USA. Camera location
37° 19′ 48.07″ N, 118° 05′ 25.19″ W View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 37.330019; -118.090331.