2005 The Regents of the University of California
1.5 miles SW of Mt. Hamilton. Open young growth-old growth stand of blue oak. Santa Clara Co. Quad name: Mt. Hamilton. Quad number: 85A. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1.5 miles SW of Mt. Hamilton. Open young growth-old growth stand of blue oak. Santa Clara Co. Quad name: Mt. Hamilton. Quad number: 85A. Reference to map: 2.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
.75 miles NE of Rattlesnake Butte. Very open old growth stand of blue oak. Santa Clara Co. Quad name: Mt. Hamilton. Quad number: 85A. Reference to map: 4.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
.5 miles E of Rattlesnake Butte. Very open old growth stand of blue oak. Santa Clara Co. Quad name: Mt. Hamilton. Quad number: 85A. Reference to map: 5.
2005 The Regents of the University of California
1 and 1/4 miles SE of Browns Valley. Hardwood trees below the size distinguishable as trees on the aerial photos (blue oaks). Yuba Co. Quad name: Smartsville. Quad number: 50. Reference to map: 101.