Associated Forest Cover
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Eastern hophornbeam is a minor member of most forest communities
where it is present. It rarely attains a codominant or dominant
crown position in mature stands and is not a commercial species.
In the following forest cover types it is only a subordinate
species (Society of American Foresters) (18):
Boreal and Northern Forest Region
16 Aspen
20 White Pine-Northern Red Oak-Red Maple
24 Hemlock-Yellow Birch
25 Sugar Maple-Beech-Yellow Birch
26 Sugar Maple-Basswood
27 Sugar Maple
28 Black Cherry-Maple
33 Red Spruce-Balsam Fir
60 Beech-Sugar Maple
Central Forest Region
42 Bur Oak
52 White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak
55 Northern Red Oak
110 Black Oak
Southern Forest Region (30)
82 Loblolly Pine-Hardwood
87 Sweetgum-Yellow-Poplar
91 Swamp Chestnut Oak-Cherrybark Oak
It probably occurs in other types but is omitted from their
descriptions, particularly in the South where the types are
The species occurs in all nine forest regions Braun recognizes in
the eastern deciduous forest formation (6). One plant association
based on the species, in which eastern hophornbeam is second in
importance to sugar maple, is recognized in Quebec as the Ostryo-Aceratum
saccaharai association that occurs on dry knoll tops (31).
From the northern part of its range to Missouri, Tennessee, and
Maryland, eastern hophornbeam reaches its greatest abundance in
hardwood communities dominated by sugar maple (Acer
saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), or
both. It may be the second most important species in some stands.
Occasionally, it is abundant in stands dominated by eastern
hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and northern red oak (Quercus
rubra). In aspen stands, it is a member of a northern
hardwood understory reclaiming the site. In the central United
States the species is frequently an important subcanopy component
of stands dominated by white oak (Quercus alba), black
oak (Q. velutina), northern red oak, scarlet oak (Q.
coccinea), and southern red oak (Q. falcata).
The species named in the northern forest types plus white ash (Fraxinus
americana) and American elm (Ulmus americana) are
eastern hophornbeam's most frequent associates in the North.
Progressing southward, the following species are added as
associates: bitternut (Carya cordiformis), shagbark (C.
ovata), and pignut (C. glabra), hickories;
sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua); blackgum (Nyssa
sylvatica); yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera); slippery
elm (Ulmus rubra); sassafras (Sassafras albidum);
and flowering dogwood (Cornus florida).
The extremely species-rich mixed mesophytic forests of the
Cumberland Mountains and plateau have minor amounts of eastern
Within the Piedmont and Coastal Plains of the South the species
grows in the southern mixed hardwood and in loblolly (Pinus
taeda) and shortleaf (P echinata) pine-dominated
forests. Although typically a minor component of southern mixed
hardwood stands, it is occasionally the second most abundant
species (35,36). In these forests it is associated with many
trees including American beech, southern magnolia (Magnolia
grandiflora), white oak, loblolly pine, and shortleaf pine;
and with many understory species including flowering dogwood,
American holly (Ilex opaca), American hornbeam (Carpinus
caroliniana), tree sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum),
eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), and pawpaw (Asimina
triloba). Other associated trees include blackgum; sweetgum;
yellow-poplar; southern red laurel (Quercus laurifolia), water
(Q. nigra), swamp chestnut (Q. michauxii), post
(Q. stellata), black, cherrybark (Q. falcata var.
pagodifolia), shumard (Q. shumardii), and
scarlet oaks; mockernut (Carya tomentosa), sand (C.
pallida), pignut, and bitternut hickories; American basswood
(Tilia americana); red (Acer rubrum) and Florida
(A. barbatum) maples; winged (Ulmus alata) and
slippery elms; and white and green (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
Shrubs that occur with eastern hophornbeam. in the north include
mountain maple (Acer spicatum), roundleaf dogwood (Cornus
rugosa), American hazel (Corylus americana), beaked
hazel (Corylus cornuta), dwarf bush-honeysuckle (Diervilla
lonicera), Atlantic leatherwood (Dirca palustris), witch-hazel
(Hamamelis virginiana), fly honeysuckle (Lonicera
canadensis), American elder (Sambucus canadensis), redberry
elder (Sambucus pubens), American yew (Taxus
canadensis), mapleleaf viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium),
and hobblebush (Viburnum alnifolium). In the South
its associated shrub species include devils-walkingstick (Aralia
spinosa), St. Andrews cross (Ascyrum hypericoides), smallflower
pawpaw (Asimina parviflora), beautyberry (Callicarpa
americana), fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), strawberry-bush
(Euonymus americanus), oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea
quercifolia), southern bayberry (Myrica cerifera), woolly
azalea (Rhododendron viscosum tomentosum), greenbriers
(Smilax spp.), sweetleaf (Symplocus tinctoria), and
Vaccinium spp.
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- USDA, Forest Service
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Climatic conditions vary considerably over the range of eastern
hophornbeam. In the northwest corner of its range precipitation
is 460 mm (18 in) annually, the frost-free season is 100 days,
the mean July temperature is 16° C (60° F), and the
mean January temperature is -18° C (0° F). Along the
gulf coast precipitation is 1630 mm (64 in) annually, the
frost-free season is 290 days, the mean July temperature is 29°
C (84° F), and the mean January temperature is 13° C
(56° F).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Damaging Agents
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The most important disease problems are
the trunk and butt rots. The species is one of the most defective
in Ontario-defect claims 20 percent of the gross merchantable
cubic foot volumes of trees more than 10 cm (4 in) d.b.h. (3).
Losses are greatest in trees 95 to 140 years old and more than 18
cm (7 in) d.b.h., with cull averaging 32 percent. Brown stains
cause 62 percent of the defect, while yellow-brown stringy rot,
white spongy rot, and an incipient yellow rot account for most of
the remaining defect. The organisms primarily responsible are
Stereum murrayi, Phellinus igniarius, and Pholiota
limonella (3).
Throughout its range, eastern hophornbeam is browsed by
white-tailed deer only incidentally. Selective deer browsing of
more desirable species of reproduction increases the proportion
of beech and eastern hophornbeam, which are avoided in heavily
browsed regenerated stands in New York (42). Beaver in Ohio
prefer the species as food-it was the most utilized food after
alder and aspen in one drainage (25).
Eastern hophornbeam is considered to be relatively free of insect
and other disease problems. The species is not readily injured by
cold temperatures; succulent growth was not damaged until
temperatures dropped below -8° C (17° F) in
Wisconsin (1). It is sensitive to pollutants in the upper Ohio
River Valley, where it does not grow in areas with high exposure
to oxides of sulfur or nitrogen, or to chlorine or fluorine (33).
Its tough, resilient branches resist wind, snow, and ice damage.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Flowering and Fruiting
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Eastern hophornbearn is
monoecious; from I to 3 staminate catkins develop at the end of
branches late in the summer that precede pistillate flower
development. Pollen forms, matures, and is shed in spring. It is
wind disseminated. Solitary pistillate catkins first appear with
the beginning of leaf development, and full bloom occurs about a
month later. In the southeast, flowering occurs between March 25
and April 16, and in the north, between mid-May and mid-June
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One variety of the species, var. lasia, replaces the
typical Ostrya in the southern half of the species' range. The
forma glandulosa occurs in the range of the typical Ostrya (20).
The three are distinguished by surface features on new twigs:
var. lasia is pubescent, forma glandulosa is glandular hairy, and
the typical plant is glabrous or sparsely pilose. The species has
eight pairs of chromosomes.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Growth and Yield
provided by Silvics of North America
Eastern hophornbeam trees are normally
less than 30 cm (12 in) in d.b.h. and less than 12 m (40 ft)
tall, except in east Texas and south Arkansas where they may
reach a height of from 15 to 18 m (50 to 60 ft). Occasionally
they reach saw log size. The largest tree is 91 cm (36 in) in
d.b.h., 22 in (73 ft) tall, and has a crown spread of 27 m (88
ft). It was found in 1976 in Michigan.
The slow growth and small size of the species earn it the title "weed"
throughout its range, especially in some areas in the South where
it is considered the number one weed species. Eastern hophornbeam
usually is discriminated against in stands managed for timber.
Silviculturally, more interest has been given to eradicating it
than to improving its growth.
Girdling is effective in eradicating the species, killing the tree
within 2 years. Herbicides (especially 2,4,5-T, and Tordon 101)
applied by mist blowing, tree injection, or spraying at the tree
base, on cut stumps, or in frills have also been successful.
Diameter growth rates under individual tree selection management
of northern hardwoods in Wisconsin and Michigan average 12 to 13
mm (0.48 to 0.51 in) per decade for poles and saplings,
respectively (21). Sugar maple, the most abundant species in
these stands, averages from 3.8 to 5.0 cm (1.5 to 2.0 in) per
decade for poles and saw logs. Annual ingrowth in these stands is
averaging 0.2 and 3.1 trees per hectare (0.1 and 1.3/acre) into
the pole and sapling classes, respectively, and exceeds mortality
in all but one stand, so stocking of eastern hophornbeam. is
increasing. Subcanopy trees in Michigan stands average 9.9 in
(32.5 ft) tall after 50 years with growth progressively declining
as the trees age, the peak growth of 3.3 m (10.8 ft) occurring
the first decade (54).
The biomass of trees with basal diameters ranging between 5 and 23
mm (0.2 and 0.9 in) can be estimated by the equation Y = 34.3X±.
§where Y is the total plant weight in grams and X is
the basal diameter in centimeters; the equation accounts for 98
percent of the variation in weights (16).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Reaction to Competition
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The species typically grows in
climax forests in the northern part of its range. It is classed
as shade tolerant and reproduces well under full shade.
Ecologists rank it high in their ratings of species climax
potential (12,51).
In the South the composition of the climax forests has not been
clearly identified. The species is associated with later seral
stages that follow the pioneer pine communities. Eastern
hophornbeam first appears in piedmont pine stands after they are
about 90 years old and in bottom-land hardwoods after they are
about 36 years old (38). Repeated harvesting of the larger,
commercial species from hardwood stands that contain
well-developed subcanopies of eastern hophornbeam and its allies
may allow the subcanopy to dominate and prevent the reproduction
of the original overstory species (14,29).
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- USDA, Forest Service
Rooting Habit
provided by Silvics of North America
No information available.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seed Production and Dissemination
provided by Silvics of North America
The fruits complete
development during the summer and are ripe by the end of August
in Michigan and as late as October in the South. The hoplike
strobile begins to break up immediately after ripening and the
seeds are dispersed throughout the fall and into early winter.
Seeds should be collected when the strobiles are a pale greenish
brown and before they dry enough to shatter. Seeds are
light-about 66,000 cleaned seeds per kilogram (30,000/lb). The
nuts are 7 min (0.3 in) long and are enclosed in an inflated sac
about 20 min (0.8 in) long that provides buoyancy and improved
dispersal by the wind. Birds provide a secondary means of seed
dispersal. Trees begin to be fruitful at age 25. Seed production
in northern hardwood stands has averaged 124,000/ha (50,000/acre)
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- USDA, Forest Service
Seedling Development
provided by Silvics of North America
Seeds usually germinate in the
spring the year after they are shed. Germination is epigeal. The
seeds have a form of internal dormancy that requires
stratification to overcome. Potential germination is 85 to 90
percent but germination capacity is only 27 to 65 percent (44).
Information is scarce on the relation of germination and seedling
establishment to the environment. The occurrence of reproduction
on a variety of sites in undisturbed forests indicates its
ability to become established on various seedbeds, soils, and
moisture regimes under dense shade. Conversely, the ecesis of the
species into old fields demonstrates its ability to become
established in the open in competition with a heavy cover of
grasses and forbs. Mechanical scarification to expose mineral
soil seedbeds in an Ontario partially cut sugar maple stand had
no effect on eastern hophornbearn abundance after 10 years (50).
Seedlings have the potential for unusually fast juvenile height
growth (27,48,54). In Pennsylvania eastern hophornbeam was 2.1 rn
(7 ft) tall 5 years after a partial harvest of the overstory. In
Michigan, the species averaged 3.4 in (11 ft) tall 10 years after
an improvement cut and 5.9 rn (19.5 ft) tall 20 years after the
Advance reproduction of eastern hophornbearn is aggressive when
released by overstory cutting, a trait that makes its proportion
in the reproduced stand similar to that in the original stand
regardless of the cutting method (53). Its position in the new
stand may even be improved if new reproduction of eastern
hophornbearn becomes established, as is likely, or if mortality
increases among the other species. Increases have occurred after
clearcutting and seedtree and selection cuttings in West Virginia
Appalachian hardwood stands on better sites (48). Similarly, the
species proportion of the basal area stocking in northern
hardwood stands in Wisconsin increased after strip clearcutting
and after a shelterwood removal (21). Greater increases in the
species relative abundance have occurred when northern hardwood
stands less than 40 years old are clearcut because little advance
reproduction of other species is present at this time (28).
The species' response to fire apparently is related to the
severity of the fire. Areas burned severely enough to kill almost
the entire overstory in 21 white oak-scarlet oak stands in Rhode
Island contained no eastern hophornbearn 5 to 51 years later. In
unburned stands the species made up 10 percent of the understory
stems (9). After a prescribed bum of a clearcut aspen stand,
eastern hophornbeam remained constant, because new sprouting
equalled mortality during the 5 years following the burn (39).
Accidental fires in two sugar maple stands in New York resulted
in increased sugar maple and eastern hophornbearn stocking
because of sprouting (46). The initial incidence of fire in the
Big Woods of Minnesota converted the forest to a thicket of
basswood and eastern hophornbeam (13). Subsequent fires converted
them to a bur oak savanna.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Soils and Topography
provided by Silvics of North America
Eastern hophornbeam grows on a wide variety of soil and
physiographic conditions throughout its range. It is found on
soils in all of the major orders in the Eastern United States,
Spodosols in the North, Alfisols in the North and Central,
Mollisols in the Central, Ultisols in the South, and Entisols and
Inceptisols throughout.
Along the northernmost portion of its range, eastern hophornbeam
is found on dry-mesic to xeric sites, areas with shallow soils,
and bedrock outcrops on upper slopes and ridgetops (31,53). Just
to the south within Ontario and Quebec, it grows primarily on
mesic and dry-mesic sites. In Wisconsin the species is most
abundant on mesic sites usually associated with a mid-catena
position, but it also occurs on dry-mesic, wet-mesic, and xeric
sites (12).
Mesic sites throughout the Appalachians are most favorable
(32,52), but the species tolerates a progressively wider range of
conditions northward. In the Smokies and southern Cumberland
Plateau it is limited to north slopes, protected lower slopes,
ravines, and coves. It grows primarily on dry-mesic and mesic
valley bottoms and lower slope positions in the highlands of New
Jersey but does extend upslope to drier positions. In
Massachusetts it is also found in xeric positions on ridgetops as
well (17,43).
From the central lowlands southward the species is associated with
wet-mesic to dry-mesic sites. It is frequently found on xeric
sites in northcentral Florida, however (35). Through the Ozark
Plateau, Central Lowlands, and the Kentucky-Tennessee Highland
Rim best development occurs on welldrained flood plains of the
major rivers, ravines, coves, and lower slopes. Progressing
upslope it is less abundant, becoming rare in xeric situations,
and it is absent from the wettest sites as on lower flood plains,
depressions, sink holes, and bogs (45,47,49). In the south the
species is most frequent on terraces of minor streams, common on
the well-drained terraces and outwash in major bottoms, and
occurs in most upland situations (40,41). Originally it was
limited to sites not subject to frequent wildfire in the south
such as those protected by bodies of water, swamps, or bottom
lands, or those that are less prone to fire such as ravines or
steep bluffs along streams (14).
At the westernmost extension of the species range in the Black
Hills of South Dakota, the tree grows principally in mesic,
deciduous streamside communities at lower elevations and to a
much lesser extent on dry-mesic but deep-soiled pine sites.
Eastern hophornbeam grows below elevations of 910 in (3,000 ft) in
the northern Appalachians but is most often found at 75 to 230 in
(250 to 750 ft) in Quebec (5), and at about 460 in (1,500 ft) in
New York (7). Its upper elevational limit is 1520 in (5,000 ft)
in the southern Appalachians, although it is more common from 850
to 980 in (2,800 to 3,200 ft). The lowest slope position it
occupies is determined by its intolerance of flooding. It was the
third most flood sensitive of 39 species compared in Tennessee,
where inundation 16 percent or more of the time killed all
eastern hophornbeam (22). Along an Illinois stream it is limited
to positions flooded less than I percent of the time (4).
Surface soils on sites occupied by eastern hophornbeam include a
full range of textures and moisture-drainage classes. Best
development of the species is associated with soils that are in
loam or loam-modified textural classes and on somewhat poorly
drained to well-drained soils. Surface soil pH ranges from 4.2 to
7.6 in the northern half of its range (10,26). In the mid-South
the pH range is narrower-from 4.6 to 5.6 (8). Nevertheless, the
species does occur on sites with shallow soils over limestone or
soils with limestone fragments at various locations throughout
its range.
The calcium content of the foliage of eastern hophornbeam is high
in comparison to other species on the same site. Concentrations
frequently exceed 2 percent on the basis of ovendry leaf weight
(2,11). Nitrogen concentrations range from moderate to high in
comparison to the other species on the site, but concentrations
of phosphorus and potassium are usually low.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Special Uses
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Buds and catkins of eastern hophornbeam are important winter food
for ruffed grouse, equal to the value of aspen and birch, and the
nuts are secondary food in the fall. It is a preferred food for
sharp-tailed grouse and wild turkey and is eaten to a lesser
extent by bobwhite, red and grey squirrels, cottontails,
white-tailed deer, ring-necked pheasant, purple finch,
rose-breasted grosbeak, and downy woodpeckers (23,24).
The tree is not commonly used as an ornamental because of its slow
growth and sensitivity to pollutants.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Vegetative Reproduction
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Stump sprouting is common on cut,
burned, or injured trees. The proportion of stumps sprouting
increases with stump height. Only 17 percent of the stumps cut at
ground line sprouted, whereas 40 percent of stumps cut at a
height of 15 cm (6 in) sprouted and between 80 and 90 percent of
stumps cut at a height of more than 30 cm (12 in) sprouted (15).
Sprouts arose from dormant adventitious buds on the stump and no
root suckering occurred.
After fires, 62 percent of the top-killed stems in New York (46)
and 100 percent of those in Minnesota sprouted (39). Number of
sprouts per clump averaged 4.4 in New York and 32 in Minnesota.
Height growth of the Minnesota sprouts averaged 2.4 in (7.9 ft)
after 5 years, which is about average for the other species
measured. Height growth of eastern hophornbeam sprouts in an
Allegheny hardwood stand exceeded that of other sprouting species
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Eastern hophornbeam occurs throughout most of the eastern half of
the United States. The range extends from Cape Breton and Prince
Edward Island west through southern Ontario, northern Michigan,
to southeastern Manitoba; south into North Dakota, the Black
Hills of South Dakota and northeastern Wyoming, along the
Niobrara River Valley and Delta areas. It is also found in the
mountains of Mexico, south to El Salvador and Honduras.
-The native range of eastern hophornbeam.
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- USDA, Forest Service
Brief Summary
provided by Silvics of North America
Betulaceae -- Birch family
F. T. Metzger
Eastern hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), also called
American hophornbeam, hornbeam, leverwood, and "ironwood,"
is a small, short-lived tree scattered in the understory of
hardwood forests. It has a slow to medium growth rate on a great
variety of soils and produces an extremely hard wood. The tree is
not large enough for commercially important lumber but is used
locally. It makes an attractive landscape tree and provides
wildlife with a limited amount of seed.
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- USDA, Forest Service