Lucia Montes-Ortiz. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal. Lucia Montes-Ortiz. Year: 2017. Contact: lumontes@ecosur.edu.mx.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Ventral. Catalog no.: ECO-CH-Z. Specimen ID: 7652591. Field no.: CA170127RPLH300. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.524.
Lucia Montes-Ortiz. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal. Lucia Montes-Ortiz. Year: 2017. Contact: lumontes@ecosur.edu.mx.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: ECO-CH-Z. Specimen ID: 7652595. Field no.: CA170127RPLH300. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 0.682.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 10335220. Field no.: 46-Q16-026. Image quality: 1.
Dorsal. Specimen ID: 10335221. Field no.: 46-Q16-026. Image quality: 1.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 14827139. Field no.: 66-1642. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.365.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 14827140. Field no.: 66-1642. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.365.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 16459248. Field no.: 66-1673. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.364.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2010. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Specimen ID: 1707815. Field no.: WIZARD 2. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
University of Bergen. University of Bergen, Natural History Collections. University of Bergen. Year: 2015. Contact: Katrine.Kongshavn@um.uib.no.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Ventral. Catalog no.: ZMBN_98362. Specimen ID: 5661395. Taxon rep.: Natatolana. Image quality: 2. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
University of Bergen. University of Bergen, Natural History Collections. University of Bergen. Year: 2015. Contact: Katrine.Kongshavn@um.uib.no.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: ZMBN_98401. Specimen ID: 5661434. Taxon rep.: Politolana. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Specimen ID: 3368399. Field no.: ES120214. Taxon rep.: Excirolana. Image quality: 4. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Manuel Elias-Gutierrez. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Unidad Chetumal. Manuel Elias-Gutierrez. Year: 2018. Contact: melias@ecosur.mx.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: ECO-CH-ZP. Specimen ID: 9085604. Field no.: BAC200218T2. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Year: 2018. Contact: disco.nhm@gmail.com +1-213-763-3217.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: LACM:DISCO:3354. Specimen ID: 9517506. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Martha Valdez-Moreno. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Martha Valdez-Moreno. Year: 2015. Contact: mvaldez@ecosur.mx.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: ECOCH. Specimen ID: 8164796. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Martha Valdez-Moreno. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Martha Valdez-Moreno. Year: 2015. Contact: mvaldez@ecosur.mx.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: ECOCH. Specimen ID: 8690998. Field no.: CH698_F04. Taxon rep.: Glossobius. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Dorsal. Specimen ID: 7588223. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Ventral. Specimen ID: 7588223. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Dorsal. Specimen ID: 7588224. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Ventral. Specimen ID: 7588224. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Dorsal. Specimen ID: 7588225. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Ventral. Specimen ID: 7588225. Field no.: 17IAMCS06. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Year: 2018. Contact: disco.nhm@gmail.com +1-213-763-3217.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: LACM:DISCO:3354. Specimen ID: 9517506. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Year: 2018. Contact: disco.nhm@gmail.com +1-213-763-3217.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: LACM:DISCO:3354. Specimen ID: 9517506. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Year: 2018. Contact: disco.nhm@gmail.com +1-213-763-3217.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Ventral. Catalog no.: LACM:DISCO:3354. Specimen ID: 9517506. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.