Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Asker, Akershus, Norge
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Gilsätra Öland
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
Odontoloxozus longicornis maleOdontoloxozus longicornis male waiting for a mate on an oviposition substrate, a piece of rotting Opuntia.
Estheria obliqua, one of the Conchostraca. A: Shell of female from the side; B, male from the side, after removal of one valve of the snell. a' Antennule; a', antenna; ad, muscle which draws together the valves of the shell; f, tail fork; md, mandible
Sepedon and Tetaoncera : Sepedon fuscipennis Loew.: 1. Larva, dorsal view; 2. Larva, lateral view; 3. Puparium, dorsal view; 4. Puparium, lateral view; 5. Open puparium; 6. Seed floating which the puparium simulates; 7. Imago, dorsal view; 8. Imago, later.
[Polychaeta of the Subantarctic Islands of New Zealand].
Ming-fu Wang, Kai Li, Dong Zhang
Figures 16–18.Fannia nudifemorata Wang and Zhang, sp. n. (male) 16 terminalia, ventral view 17 terminalia, lateral view 18 sternite 5, scale bar = 0.25mm.
Saeed Mohamadzade Namin, Jamasb Nozari
Figures 1–3.Urophora merzi sp. n., 1 wing pattern of the holotype 2–3 variation of wing pattern in paratypes.
Junhua Zhang, Ding Yang, Wayne N. Mathis
Figures 1–8.Rhynchopsilopa guangdongensis sp. n. (male) 1 foreleg 2 midleg 3 hindleg 4 terminalia (epandrium, cercus, postsurstyli, aedeagus), posterior view 5 terminalia (epandrium, cercus, postsurstyli, aedeagus, phallapodeme, gonite/subepandrial plate, hypandrium), lateral view 6 terminalia (surstyli, gonite/subepandrial plate and hypandrium), ventral view 7 aedeagus and phallapodeme, ventral view. (female) 8 Ventral receptacle.
Wayne N. Mathis, Tadeusz Zatwarnicki
Figures 64–67.Illustration of Polytrichophora rostra sp. n. (male) (Ecuador. Napo: Pastaza) 64 epandrium and cerci, posterior view 65 same, lateral view 66 internal structures of male terminalia (aedeagus [shaded], phallapodeme, gonite, hypandrium), ventral view 67 same, lateral view. Scale bar = 0.1 mm.
Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Sonja Trifunov, Tijana Nikolić
Figure 1.Gonostylus, dorsolateral view (z indicates the dorsal margin of gonostylus): A Cheilosia barbafacies sp. n., Durmitor, Montenegro B Cheilosia pascuorum, Doroslovo, Serbia C Cheilosia pascuorum, Kopaonik, Serbia. Scale in mm.
Menno Reemer, Gunilla Ståhls
Figures 3–10.3–5 Afromicrodon madecassa male (holotype): 3 habitus dorsal 4 head frontal 5 head lateral 6 Afromicrodon johannae male (paratype), genitalia lateral 7–9 Archimicrodon (s.s.) simplicicornis male (holotype): 7 habitus dorsal 8 habitus lateral 9 genitalia lateral 10 Archimicrodon (s.s.) malukensis male (holotype), habitus dorsal.
Maurizio Mei, Daniel Whitmore, Giuseppe Lo Giudice, Pierfilippo Cerretti
Figures 1−10.Males of Centrophlebomyia spp. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 head and thorax in dorsal view 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 head in lateral view 1−4 Centrophlebomyia anthropophaga (Italy) 5−6 Centrophlebomyia furcata (Italy) 7−8 Centrophlebomyia grunini (Russian Far East) 9−10 Centrophlebomyia orientalis (India). In red the microtomentum pattern of head; in yellow the shiny, non microtomentose, pattern of thorax.
Mírian N. Morales, Gunilla Ståhls, Heikki Hippa
Figures 1–8.Meropidia nitida Morales, sp. n.,Holotype. 1 head, anterior view 2 head, dorsal view 3 habitus dorsal 4 abdomen, dorsal view 5 habitus lateral 6–8 labels.
Figure 1.Megaselia elenae sp. n. male, anterior face of hind femur.
Yuchen Ang, Ling Jing Wong, Rudolf Meier
Figure 1.Key views and structures of Perochaeta orientalis, Male. A Habitus, lateral view B Pleural microtomensity pattern; (white = smooth, light grey = lightly microtomentose, dark grey = heavily microtomentose) C Rear tibia, with focus on osomterium D Basal section of wing showing microtrichosity pattern (white=smooth, light grey=with microtrichia) E Whole abdomen, ventral view F Sternite appendage G Hypopygium, dorsal view H Phallus, right, ventral and left views; red arrow indicates basal spiny flap. Scale bars = 0.5mm unless otherwise stated.
Viviane Rodrigues de Sousa, Márcia Souto Couri
Figure 2.Japanagromyza inferna Spencer, male, in lateral view.
Antti Haarto, Gunilla Ståhls
Figure 5.Shape of male sterna 2–4. A Melanostoma scalare B Melanostoma certum C Melanostoma mellarium and D Melanostoma mellinum.