Electron micrograph of a grazing thin section along the length of the recurrent flagellum, showing axoneme to the upper left, the crystalline paraxial rod, membrane, and thin hairs over the flagellar surface.
Transmission electron micrograph of a thin section across the anterior part of the cell. The two flagella lie in the flagellar pocket / reservoir (the recurrent flagellum is the one with the more crystalline paraxial rod). This species uses this flagellum to adhere to the substrate as it glides. The ingestion apparatus, with three microtubular rods and four lamella, lies in the lower right part of the cell. The cell surface has folds.
Bright field light micrograph of a cell dried in a suspension of Nigrosin. The stain dries around the cell and in surface irregularities. It therefore shows up the surface folds. The recurrent (trailing) flagellum is the thicker one.
Transmission electron micrograph of a thin section across a fold in the cell surface. Several cytoskeletal elements are associated with the fold. The proteinaceous epiplasm underlies the whole fold, and this is subtended by microtubules. Darker material is associated with the crest of the fold and with the bottom of the fold. the circular structures upper right are sections through extrusomes.
Entosiphon ovatus Stokes,1885. Body ovate, somewhat depressed, a little less than twice as long as wide, rounded posteriorly, narrowed anteriorly, and slightly curved toward the ventral aspect, the frontal border somewhat emarginated on the left side, the cuticular surface traversed by ten or twelve longitudinal sulci, the two flagella inserted near together on the left side of the ingestion organelle, the posterior or trailing appendage about twice as long as the body, the anterior or vibratile not exceeding the body in length, ingestion organelle protrusible, extending backwards for fully four-fifths of the entire length of the body, contractile vacuole single, near the left border of the frontal margin, nucleus spherical, near the centre of the left border. Reproduction by longitudinal fission. Length of body 25-28 microns Probably the same as E. sulcatum.