Tintinnopsis beroidea. Specimens from the Ganges River estuary.
Lugol's fixed specimen from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) May 2012.
Empty lorica from the Etang de Thau in 2011
Specimen from the Etang de Thau
Specimen from a 2012 mesocosm experimet, WarmAcid in the Etang de Thau (Sète). This species bloomed at the end of the experiment.
From the Etang de Thau near Sète, France.
Tintinnopsis acuminata from a sample taken in Feb 2013 from Station FS2 in the Ganges River estuary. Z-stack image using a 60x objective & DIC optics.
From an Indian mangrove wetland.
Tintinnopsis acuminata from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic)
Tintinnopsis acuminate specimens from the Ganges River esuary
Tintinnopsis subacuta - maybe (lorica not fully formed). From the Chukchi Sea (Arctic Sea)
Small tintinnid from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
From the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
Small form from the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
Small species found in the Etang de Thau (Sète, France) in May 2012.
The species was described by Kofoid in 1905 from the same area was this specimen was found, now know as Scripp's Canyon off San Diego, CA
Specimen from Scripp's Canyon area collected in July 2009
Tintinnopsis minuta specimens from the Ganges River estuary. The specimens were very lightly agglomerated.
Specimen collected from Scripp's Canyon area in July 2009