Andrea Grosse, John P. Mosesso /
NBII images
Category hierarchy: Special Collections | Guyra ParaguayDescription: Small monk parakeet nest on utility pole. Paraguay is home to at least 589 breeding bird species and 120 migratory bird species. Breeding Status: Breeding permanent resident. Habitat: Palm Savannah, Second Growth Forests and Woodlands, Second Growth Scrub, Pasture. Estado de ocurrencia: Residente nidificante permanente. Hábitat: Palmar de Karanda'y, Bosque secundario, Capuera, Pastura implantada. (Portion of text from: Guyra Paraguay 2004, Annotated Checklist of the Birds of Paraguay, Paraguay.)Original date: 20040424Locality: Latitude: -2.344250000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.844380000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Special Collections | Guyra ParaguayDescription: Dos aves en vuelo.Locality: Latitude: -2.344250000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.844380000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Special Collections | Guyra ParaguayDescription: Two birds in flight.Locality: Latitude: -2.344250000000000e+001; Longitude: -5.844380000000000e+001
Port Lincoln Parrot (Barnardius zonarius) is a common widespread bird in Australia. We were overwhelmed by the abundancy of parrots everywhere we went in Australia, a real joy...