
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Cortinarius camphoratus Fries, Epicr. Myc. 280. 1838
Agaricus camphoratus Fries, Syst. Myc. 1: 218. 1821.
Pileus fleshy, at first subhemispheric, then convex to subexpanded, obtuse or obsoletely subumbonate, 5-8 cm. broad; surface at first lavender (R) to deep-lavender (R), in age cinnamon-buff (R), at first silky or subflocculose, glabrescent and at length subshining, even; margin at first incurved, then decurved, silky from the pale-lavender veil; context rather thick on the disk, thin on the margin, at first Rainier-blue (R) fading to drab or whitish, the odor strongly fetid, penetrating, persisting, worse on drying over flame, almost like asafoetida, approaching that of Claudopus nidulans; lamellae adnate at first, then emarginate to spuriously subdecurrent, thin, close, 3-6 mm. broad, at first Rainier-blue (R) or slateviolet (R), darker in age from the cinnamon-brown spores, the edge minutely flocculose; stipe clavate-bulbous or clavateattenuate, often short-pointed below enlargement, 7-10 (-12) cm. long, 10-20 mm. or more thick, solid, soon riddled by larvae, at first Rainier-blue at the apex, paler downward, fading like the pileus, whitish at the base within, at first thinly covered by the lavender to grayish universal veil, becoming fibrillose and whitish downward; spores subalmond-shaped, inequilateral, slightly rough, 9-11 (-12) X 5-6/*.
Type locality: Sweden. Habitat: Under conifers, in the mountains.
Distribution: Adirondack Mountains, New York; also in Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill, Lee Oras Overholts, Calvin Henry Kauffman. 1932. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars), HYPODENDRUM, CORTINARIUS. North American flora. vol 10(5). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora