Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam :.
Amstelaedami :Apud J. Wetstenium, & Gul. Smith, & Janssonio-Waesbergios,1734-1765..
An account of Indian serpents, collected on the coast of Coromandel
London :Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Shakespeare-Press; for G. Nicol,1796-1801 [i.e. 1796-1809?]
The snakes of Australia : an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of all known species
Sydney :Govt Printer,1869.
Herrn de la Cepede's Naturgeschichte der Amphibien, oder der enerlegenden vierfussigen Thiere und der Schlangen :.
Weimar :Verlage des Industrie = Comptoir's,1800-1802..