Nemognatha lurida English: a Blister Beetle with no common name on Chaenactis douglasii Viewpoint location: Trail east from Park Lake, Dry Falls State Park, Grand Coulee,
Park Lake Side Canyon Viewpoint elevation: 375
meter (1230 ft) Location source: Garmin GPSmap 60CSx
Location Datum: WGS84. Date: 25 May 2020, 19:27:02 +00:00. Source: Own work. Author:
Walter Siegmund (talk). Other versions:
. Camera location
47° 34′ 19.85″ N, 119° 23′ 49.09″ W View all coordinates using:
OpenStreetMap 47.572180; -119.396970.
Camera Model Canon EOS Rebel SL3.
Shutter speed 1/500.
Aperture f/11.0.
Exposure compensation.
Film speed (ISO) 400.
Focal length 250.0.
Focal length (35 mm equiv.).
Flash No. Support.
Developer. Sensor size {{{Sensor size}}}.
Scanner. Notes.
: This image is the work of
Walter Siegmund You may use this image on your web page, if you link the image to Otherwise, for both web and print use, you must comply with all terms and restrictions of the License(s) I have granted, e.g., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported. Terms and restrictions include, but are not limited to, the following — cf. Section 4(c) of the
Legal Code. ©2020 Walter Siegmund must appear in the immediate vicinity of the image, or, "if a credit for all contributing authors of the Adaptation or Collection appears, then as part of these credits and in a manner at least as prominent as the credits for the other contributing authors." Provide the title, "API". Provide the URI, Include a copy, or URI, of the License(s), e.g., Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the license(s). If you wish a different license, please send your proposed licensing agreement to me,
Walter Siegmund. I will respond promptly. You may find similar photographs at