Fort Davis, Texas, United States
Texas, United States
Fort Davis, Texas, United States
Texas, United States
Fouquieria macdougaliijaboncillo or Mexican ocotillo tree. The English language common name is unsatisfactory because it is shared with other Mexican Fouquieria trees so it is best to use jaboncillo. F. macdougalli is found in Chihuaha. Sinaloa, and Sonora states in Northern Mexico. Like all ocotillos, it is a semisucculent. Photographed at Cactus Jungle, a cactus & succulent retail store in Berkeley, CA.
Native to northwestern Mexico. Here at Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix.
4/1/08 1000 Palms Oasis, CA
Tucson, Arizona, United States
The seeds have a thin papery wing that allows for wind dispersal. The capsules are three-valved.
Pima Canyon, Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. April 11, 2010
Fouquieria splendens ssp splendensocotillo. Grown as a potted plant in Berkeley, CA. Ocotillo is generally considered as a Sonoran desert plant. Jim Andre, Director of the Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center "Ocotillo does enter the Mojave Desert, technically. It's found in the Dead Mtns (northernmost distribution in CA) and the Sacramento Mtns down through the E. Turtles, Chemeheuvi and Whipple Mtns (all technically in the Mojave)." [Thanks to _RedShoesGirl_ for the quote.]