Sepia officinalis L., with mantle cut away to show position of internal shell. (The ends of the tentacular arms are cut off).
Cephalopods. Chiroteuthis lacerlosa Verrill; Loligo Pealei var. Borealis
Ommastrephes illecebrosus.
Taonius paso Lesueur, d'apres Joubin, face ventrale (Princesse-Alice).
Argonauta argo, side view of shell.
Blunt-Tailed Squid. New Jersey Coast.
Pinnoctopus corodifformis (d'Orbigny).
Polypus ornatus, dorsal view of a medium sized male from Honolulu.
Cephalopods. Archieuthis harveyi
Cephalopods. Ommastrephes illeebrosus Verrill; Loligo Pealei var. Pallida
Taonius hyperboreus Stp., N. Atlantic.
Argonauta papyracea, as it swims by means of its locomotive tube.
Three stages in the development of the eye of Loligo.