Common Squid. Loligo Pealei
Cephalopods. Architeuthis princeps V; Sthenoteuthis pteropus V side; caudal fin
Tremoctopus violaceus, ventral view of large female from station 2930.
Octopus macropus (Risso).
Cephalopods. Octopus Bairdii Verrill, Octopus Bairdii var. Verrill
Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis, dorsal view of type [30].
Grimaldituthis Richardi, d'apris Joubin, face ventrale (Princesse-Alice).
Veined Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus)
Helicocranchia sp., ventral view of specimen from the vicinity of Kauai, partially restored. In this figure the mantle is scarcely represented as sufficiently elongate and the arms are probably shown as much too short and stocky.
Cephalopods. Architeuthis princeps V
Tremoctopus violaceus, lateral view of adult male, from station 4086, with nearly ripe hectocotylus.
Alloposus mollis, ventral view of small female, from the Pailolo Channel.
Cephalopods. Octopus lentus Verrill
Heteroteuthis hawaiiensis, ventral view of type [30].