Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 2.Hyalessa ronshana (male). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 3.Antennae of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata B Meimuna mongolica C Platypleura kaempferi. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
Hong-Thai Pham, Masami Hayashi, Jeng-Tze Yang
Figure 6.Male genital capsule of Semia species (ventral view): A Semia klapperichi B Semia watanabei (after Lee and Hayashi 2003) C Semia spinosa sp. n.
Figure 4.Nipponosemia metulata Chou & Lei, 1993, male. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D face E abdomen and posterior part of thorax, ventral view F timbal and timbal cover, dorsal view G left fore leg, showing the spines on fore femur.
Figure 4.Spectrograms and oscillograms of the calling song of Tibicen neomexicensis sp. n.: a complete call b 0.5 seconds from the middle of phrase 2, illustrating 14 amplitude bursts c a single amplitude burst from b, illustrating the pulse structure. Spectrograms were generated using a 256-sample Fast Fourier Transform with the Hamming window function.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 3.Hyalessa ronshana (female). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E fore and hind wings.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 4.Abdominal apex in ventral view of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, female B and C Cryptotympana atrata, male D Meimuna mongolica, female E and f Meimuna mongolica, male G Platypleura kaempferi, female H and I Platypleura Kaempferi, male. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Zubair Ahmed, Allen F. Sanborn, Muhammad Atique Akhter
Figure 1. Holotype Male, Cicadatra ziaratica sp. n.
Figure 6.Nipponosemia metulata Chou & Lei, 1993, female. A female genitalia, left lateral view B female genitalia, ventral view.
Figure 5.Spectrograms and oscillograms of the calling song of Tibicen chiricahua: a complete call b 0.5 seconds from the middle of phrase 2, illustrating 27 amplitude bursts c a single amplitude burst from b, illustrating the pulse structure. Spectrograms were generated using a 256-sample Fast Fourier Transform with the Hamming window function.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 4.Hyalessa batangensis sp. n. (male, holotype). A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 5.Left foreleg of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, inner view B Cryptotympana atrata, outer view C Meimuna mongolica, outer view D Platypleura kaempferi, outer view. acf, accessory tooth of femur; apt, apical tooth of tibia; bt, blade of tibia; f, femur; fc, femoral comb; itf, intermediate tooth of femur; pbt, point of blade of tibia; ptf, posterior tooth of femur; t, trochanter; ta, tarsus; ti, tibia. Scale bars = 1.0 mm
Zubair Ahmed, Allen F. Sanborn, Muhammad Atique Akhter
Figures 2–8. Cicadatra ziaratica sp. n., 2 Male pygofer lateral view 3–4 Aedeagus 5 Claspers 6 Timbal cover 7 Timbal 8 Operculum. Scale lines = 0.6 mm. Asf Aedeagus with serrated flap Als Aedeagus long spine Ls Lateral spine Rss Row of middle spines
Figure 7.Nipponosemia guangxiensis Chou & Wang, 1993, male. A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D face E abdomen and posterior part of thorax, ventral view F timbal and timbal cover, dorsal view G left fore leg, showing the spines on fore femur.
Figure 6.Geographic distribution of Tibicen chiricahua (orange circles) and Tibicen neomexicensis sp. n. (yellow triangles), estimated from field observations and museum specimens. Green regions indicate pinyon-juniper habitats. The gray region represents the Albuquerque Basin and Chihuahuan Desert. Tibicen chiricahua is also found in Mexico (Sanborn 2007).
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 5.Hyalessa batangensis sp. n. (male, paratype). A. habitus. dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C head and thorax, dorsal view D head and thorax, ventral view E left foreleg, showing the spines on fore femur F male pygofer, ventral view G male pygofer, lateral view H aedeagus.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 6.Spines at the apex of mid and hind tibiae of final instar nymphs. A mid tibia of Cryptotympana atrata B mid tibia of Meimuna mongolica C mid tibia of Platypleura kaempferi D hind tibia of Cryptotympana atrata E hind tibia of Meimuna mongolica F hind tibia of Platypleura Kaempferi. Scale bars = 1.0 mm.
Figure 9.Nipponosemia guangxiensis Chou & Wang, 1993, female. A female genitalia, left lateral view B female genitalia, ventral view.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 6.Hyalessa maculaticollis (male). Habitus, dorsal view, showing intraspecific variability in Chinese populations. A material from Mt. Emei, Sichuan Prov. B material from Beijing C material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. D material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. E material from Chunhua County, Shaanxi Prov. F material from Guangdong Prov. G material from Mts. Shennongjia, Hubei Prov. H material from Huoditang, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Prov.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 2.Final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata, lateral view of body B Cryptotympana atrata, dorsal view of body C Meimuna mongolica, lateral view of body D Meimuna mongolica, dorsal view of body E Platypleura kaempferi, lateral view of body F Platypleura kaempferi, dorsal view of body. Scale bars = 5.0 mm.
Figure 10.Nipponosemia longidactyla sp. n.,male. A habitus (holotype), dorsal view B habitus (holotype), ventral view C head and thorax (paratype), dorsal view D face (paratype) E abdomen and posterior part of thorax (paratype), ventral view F timbal and timbal cover (paratype), dorsal view G left fore leg (paratype), showing the spines on fore femur.
Xu Wang, Masami Hayashi, Cong Wei
Figure 7.Hyalessa maculaticollis (male). Habitus, ventral view, showing intraspecific variability in Chinese populations. A material from Mt. Emei, Sichuan Prov. B material from Beijing C material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. D material from Qingdao, Shandong Prov. E material from Chunhua County, Shaanxi Prov. F material from Guangdong Prov. G material from Mts. Shennongjia, Hubei Prov. H material from Huoditang, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Prov.
Zehai Hou, Qinglong Li, Cong Wei
Figure 3.Antennae of final instar nymphs. A Cryptotympana atrata B Meimuna mongolica C Platypleura kaempferi. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
2005 California Academy of Sciences