Alexander F. Emeljanov, Dmitry E. Shcherbakov
Figures 1–3.Alicodoxa rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n. (Orthopagini), 4th instar nymph, Rovno amber: 1 dorsal view 2 anteroventral view 3 lateral view (all to same scale); inset, wax plates of the right side, enlarged.
Yanli Che, Yalin Zhang, Yinglun Wang
Figures 1–6.Macrodarumoides petalinus sp. n., male 1 Holotype, dorsal view 2 Holotype, head, ventral view 3 Holotype, lateral view; Macrodaruma pertinax Fennah, male: 4 Dorsal view 5 Head, ventral view 6 Lateral view.
Xiao-hui Hou, Lin Yang, Xiang-sheng Chen
Figures 1–14.Neometopina orientalis (Qin & Zhang, 2007) comb. n. 1 head and thorax, dorsal view 2 fons and clypeus 3 forewing 4 male genitalia, posterior view 5 the same, lateral view 6 male pygofer, posterior view 7 the same, lateral view 8 anal segment, aedeagus and genital style, left lateral view 9 suspensorium, posterior view 10 anal segment, suspensorium and aedeagus, posterior- lateral view 11 aedeagus, lateral view 12 aedeagus, ventral view 13 genital style, posterior view 14 the same, lateral view. Scale 0.2 mm (Figures 1–7); 0.1 mm (Figures 8–14).
Jichun Xing, Xiangsheng Chen
Figures 1–10.Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stål, 1854). 1 Male habitus, dorsal view 2 Male habitus, lateral view 3 Male, head and thorax, dorsal view 4 Male, frons and clypeus 5 Male, head and thorax, lateral view 6 Male genitalia, lateral view 7 Apex of anal tube, caudal view 8 Left genital style, caudal view 9 Aedeagus, lateral view 10 Aedeagus, caudal view. Scale bars: 6–10 = 0.20 mm.
Yan-Li Zheng, Lin Yang, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 1–10.1–5 Habitus of Doryphorina conglobatus sp. n. 6–10 Doryphorina guizhouensis sp. n. 1, 6 dorsal view 2, 7 lartral view 3, 8 dorsal view of head, pronotum and mesonotum 4, 9 lateral view of head and pronotum 5,10 ventral view of frons and clypeus. Scale bars: 1–10 = 1 mm.
Yan-Li Zheng, Xiang-Sheng Chen
Figures 1–5.Habitus of Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n. 1 Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n., male, holotype 2 Same, head and thorax, dorsal view 3 Same, frons and clypeus, ventral view 4 Same, head and pronotum, lateral view 5 Dictyotenguna angusta sp. n., female, paratype. Scale bars: 1–5 = 0.5mm.
Figures 9–10.Habitus of Aprivesa unimaculatasp. n. 9 ♂, south India, lateral view 10 ♀, south India, dorsal view.
Washtenaw Co., MI
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
採集者:M. L. Chan[詹美鈴] holotype(正模式標本)
採集者:S. J. Fang[方尚仁] paratype(副模式標本)
Mols Bjerge, Denmark
Alexander F. Emeljanov, Dmitry E. Shcherbakov
Figures 4–8.4–5 Alicodoxa rasnitsyni gen. et sp. n., 4th instar nymph, Rovno amber: 4 dorsal view, slightly corrected and schematized; on the right, arrangement of sensory pits on the lateral body parts facing ventrad (scale bar, 1 mm) 5 posterior part of the abdomen, arrangement of wax plates and sensory pits; 6–7 Saigona ussuriensis (Lethierry) (Orthopagini), nymphs, recent: 6 5th instar, posterior part of the abdomen with wax plates; inset, upper wax plate of segment VIII, enlarged 7 4th instar, dorsal view; on the right, arrangement of sensory pits on ventrolateral parts of the tergites; 8 Dictyophara pannonica (Germar), 4th instar nymph, recent, dorsal view (apical part of the head not shown; after Emeljanov 1994).
Yanli Che, Yalin Zhang, Yinglun Wang
Figures 7–16.Macrodarumoides petalinus sp. n. 7 Tegmen 8 Wing 9 Male genitalia, left side 10 Male anal segment, dorsal view 11 Aedeagus, lateral view 12 Apex of aedeagus, ventral view 13 Apex of dorsal lobe, dorsal view 14 Female genitalia, left side 15 Female anal segment, dorsal view 16 Pregenital sternite, ventral view. Scale bars = 1.0 mm (Figs 7–8), 0.5 mm (Figs 9–16)
Xiao-hui Hou, Lin Yang, Xiang-sheng Chen
Figures 15–27.Neometopina penghuensis Yang, 1989 15 head and thorax, dorsal view 16 fons and clypeus 17 forewing 18 male genitalia, posterior view 19 the same, lateral view 20 male pygofer, posterior view 21 the same, lateral view 22 anal segment, aedeagus and genital style, left lateral view 23 suspensorium, posterior view 24 anal segment, suspensorium and aedeagus, right lateral view 25 the same, posterior view 26 genital style, posterior view 27 the same, lateral view. Scale 0.2 mm (Figures 15–21); 0.1 mm (Figures 22–27).