bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
short grass prairie on flat, open, coarse loamy plains. NOTE: The Portulacaceae has been partially divided into Montiaceae and and Talinaceae. Further, FNA erroneously places this and some related southwestern Talinum in synonymy under Phemeranthus aurantiacus in the Montianaceae. Until further studies dictate otherwise this entry retains the original family, genus and species.
succulent herb in understory along shaded trail through the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve.
succulent herb in understory along shaded trail through the Mesquite-Pachycereus bosque covering most of the grounds of the preserve.
although this population was originally cultivated and is now spreading, the plant also occurs naturally in the region.
although this population was originally cultivated and is now spreading, the plant also occurs naturally in the region.
Habitat view of plants in volcanic tuff gravels at base of road cut on lower canyon slope with Hibiscus biseptus, Amaranthus sp.
Habitat view of plants in volcanic tuff gravels at base of road cut on lower canyon slope with Hibiscus biseptus, Amaranthus sp.
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
bank along switch back road cutting steep canyon talus slope of rhyolitic tuff, 1000' above Rio Urique
on vertical face of road cut across lower barranca slope in volcanic rhyolitic tuff
on vertical face of road cut across lower barranca slope in volcanic rhyolitic tuff