Tintinnopsis dadayi. The species was described by Kofoid in 1905 from the same area was this specimen was found, now know as Scripp's Canyon off San Diego, CA in July of 2009. Lugol's-fixed specimen
Drawing by C. A. Kofoid from his 1905 description of Tintinnopsis dadayi (Plate 26, fig. 3). Dimensions added from text description (p. 290.
Specimen from the from the Indian Sundarbans (Godkhali).
Tintinnopsis tubulosoides Meunier 1910 from the Chukchi Sea (Arctic) in 2020 (Cruise ARA11B St 12). Inset shows illustration from Meunier's 1910 description from the Barents Sea.
This tintinnid ciliate is about 200 microns long. The species is found in the Med., this specimen was collected from waters off Rapa Nui in the South Pacific. This image was compiled from 12 pictures using Helicon software.
From Tafel 28, fig. 10 (Haeckel 1873): Codonellopsis orthoceras was originally described by Haeckel (1873) as Condonella orthoceras
Specimen from the Eastern Med
Codonellops schabi from an Indian mangrove wetland.
Figure 17 (dimensions added from text description) from Zacharias, O. (1906) Über periodizität und verbreitung verschiedener planktonwesen in südlichen meeren. Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde 1, 498-575.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche (43°41’10’’ N, 7°19’00’’ E).
Specimen from New Caledonia. Synonymous with Tintinnopsis platensis.
Figure 8 (pg 520) from Zacharias, O. (1906) Über periodizität und verbreitung verschiedener planktonwesen in südlichen meeren. Archiv für Hydrobiologie und Planktonkunde 1, 498-575. Dimensions added from the text description.
Specimen from the of Indian Sundarbans, Jyotirampur.
From Schmidt 1902, original description of Amphorella acuta, now known as Amphorellopsis acuta.
Described by Brandt (1906-1907) as Tintinnus palliata, now known as Brandtiella palliata. Figure 1 from Plate 70.
From the Tara Oceans Epedition, Station 78
Specimen from the central Med. sampled in 2008 during the Boum cruise.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche
Drawing from the source, dimensions from those given in the text.
Specimen from Jellyfish Lake on the island of Palau. Image by Beatriz Beker of the University of Brest.
Specimen from Scripps Canyon area (Southern California) in July 2009.
Drawing from Kofoid's 1905 original description as Tintinnus serratus