Not only does this Raccoon do actual real wild animal stuff; it can do it hanging upside down, just to make it look harder.North American Raccoon Procyon lotorManatee Springs State ParkChiefland Florida Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark IIM.40-150mm F4.0-5.6 Rinaturalist: observation mapPhil's 1stPix on iNaturalist
I'm sure this 'coon has had it's share of hand-outs, being so comfortable in the parking lot in the middle of the afternoon, but I've never actually seen a raccoon doing actual wild animal-like raccoon stuff. This one went spent about 20 minutes climbing up and down the branches in search of the berries, tipping over and nearly falling several times, and then, when it had it's full, walked down and scampered off, probably in search of a trashcan for some desert.North American Raccoon Procyon lotorManatee Springs State ParkChiefland Florida Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark IIM.40-150mm F4.0-5.6 Rinaturalist: observation mapPhil's 1stPix on iNaturalist
A marvelous boardwalk crosses Oso Flaco Lake. These young raccoons came up from one of the reed islands. They were probably looking for a handout. (Oso Flaco is noted for its great birding.)