

provided by IABIN
Present in lowland and restinga patches of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Southeastern Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and Ilha de São Sebastião, São Paulo state), Brazil.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site

Diagnostic Description

provided by IABIN
Adult morphology Medium size (snout-vent length 41-42 mm). Snout short, rounded when viewed from above, more acute in profile; upper jaw projecting considerably beyond lower; tongue large, onehalf width of mouth-opening, ovate in shape, with the smaller lobe at the free posterior end, not incised; anterior edge of lower jaw straight, without conspicuously swollen areas; nostrils on upper surface of snout, their distance from tip of snout one-half their distance from eye, the interval between them equal to their distance from eye; no furrow on front of snout; tympanum indistinct; eye small, one-half the snout length; canthus rostralis rounded; loreal region slightly concave, merging with the flaring upper lip border; upper eyelid narrow, one-third the interorbital diameter. Body very stout, in postaxillary region 1 1/3 times the greatest head width. Fingers fairly long, free, without lateral ridges, second and fourth subequal, extending to base of penultimate phalanx of third; a large oval pad at base of first finger and two larger but less distinct ones on palm of hand; metacarpal tubercles well developed. Toes long, webbed at the base, the webs continuing as ridges part way towards the tip of each toe, third much longer than fifth, reaching halfway on antepenultimate phalanx of fourth; a large inner metatarsal tubercle, and a long, heavy ridge on outer side of foot representing an outer tubercle; side of tarsus between heel and inner tubercle swollen but not distinctly ridged; tubercles beneath toes large. When hind leg is extended, heel reaches nearly to posterior comer of eye; when limbs are laid along the sides, knee and elbow touch; when hind legs are bent at right angles to body, heels barely touch. Skin smooth above and below, with a few small granules on the sides; a pair of heavy transverse skin folds above the anus; a heavy fold curving above and behind the tympanic area and ending in front of the shoulder; throat with many transverse folds; a distinct fold across the chest, and a deeper one below each axilla. Color in alcohol: dorsum drab, with mdistinct, irregular brown chevron-shaped markings. Throat black ; remainder of ventral surface slate color, this shade extending onto the lower surfaces of the limbs including palms of hands and soles of feet, a light buff lateral stripe outlining the edges of the slate color along sides of body and on anterior and posterior surfaces of limbs; lower edge of snout from nostrils to lip border slate-gray; sides of head below canthal region olive, becoming darker posteriorly as far as the tympanic fold. Larval morphology Presented two distinct color patterns in dorsal view, and variations in the length of the spiracular tube.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site

Conservation Status

provided by IABIN
LC. Least Concern.
Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Esteban O. Lavilla
Diego Arrieta
partner site