This male gecko was the only reptile discovered after over 7-hours of night driving during a bright full moon. The full moon is suspected of having been a great deterrent and suppressed animal activity.
Pale vertebral stripe split bands into pairs. This interesting form as been recorded by herpetologist Ron McPeak from Isla Tiburon and mainland Sonora, Mexico (McPeak 2000, Amphibians and Reptiles of Baja California).
Happened upon many as they conducted warmth or scurried across road. In same area came across Giant Hairy Scorpion at (8:26 p.m.). 24 April 1996: Good evening to cruise the Colorado Desert, even-though the night possessed strong breeze and quarter moon. Scanned road from (8:00-11:00 p.m.) in 27-C (80-F) temperature, few rodents encountered, but Coleonyx variegatus were common. In addition to seven Coleonyx variegatus seen, other reptiles include Lichanura trivirgata, Crotalus ruber, and two Rhinocheilus lecontei.
Happened upon many as they conducted warmth or scurried across road. In same area came across Giant Hairy Scorpion at (8:26 p.m.). 24 April 1996: Good evening to cruise the Colorado Desert, even-though the night possessed strong breeze and quarter moon. Scanned road from (8:00-11:00 p.m.) in 27-C (80-F) temperature, few rodents encountered, but Coleonyx variegatus were common. In addition to seven Coleonyx variegatus seen, other reptiles include Lichanura trivirgata, Crotalus ruber, and two Rhinocheilus lecontei.
Discovered in desert wash beneath a stone when creating a makeshift campfire ring. The gecko examined is believed to be of the subspecies San Diego Banded Gecko (C. v. abbotti).